砸冧駱駝嘅最後一條稻草(粵拼:zaap3 lam3 lok3 to4 ge3 zeoi3 hau6 jat1 tiu4 dou6 cou2),係一句嚟自英文嘅慣用語,英文有三種講法,可以叫 The last/final straw that broke the camel's back,或者就咁 Straw that broke the camel's back。雖然英文仲有其他變種,下面會講,但而家已經冇咁多人用。
- "It is the last feather that breaks the horse's back" (1677)[1]
- "It is the last straw that overloads the camel",畀本書話佢係「東方諺語」(1799)[2]
- "It was the last ounce that broke the back of the camel" (1832)[3]
- "The last straw will break the camel's back" (1836)[4]
- "As the last straw breaks the laden camel's back" (1848)[5]
- "This final feather broke the camel's back" (1876)[6]
- "The straw that broke the donkey's back"
- "The last peppercorn breaks the camel's back"
- "The melon that broke the monkey's back"
- "The feather that broke the camel's back"
- "The straw that broke the horse's back"
- "The hair that broke the camel's back"
- "The last ounce broke the camel's back"[8]
[編輯]2017年,香港試過有個出身破碎家庭嘅13歲男仔喺牛頭角屋企跳樓自殺。第二日《東方日報》同《晴報》都將呢單新聞嘅標題分別寫咗做「13歲仔玩手機遭薄責墮斃 單親慈母哭斷腸」[9]同「13歲仔打機受責墮斃 社工籲忌說『無鬼用』」[10],並冇敘述長年家庭分裂持續對死者造成嘅壓力。
[編輯]- ↑ Archbishop Bramhall, Works 4:59, as quoted in George Latimer Apperson, English Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases: A Historical Dictionary (1929), reissued as The Wordsworth Dictionary of Proverbs
- ↑ "On the Origin and Progress of Taxation", The Scots Magazine 61:244 (April 1799) full text
- ↑ Henry Lee, "An exposition of evidence in support of the memorial to Congress..." p. 12
- ↑ book review, The Dublin Review 1 (May–July 1836) full text
- ↑ Charles Dickens, Dombey and Son
- ↑ Mark Twain , The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.
- ↑ Notes and Queries, 1893: 8:3:p. 48 (21 January 1893); 8:3:118 (11 February 1893); 8:3:p. 232 (25 March 1893).
- ↑ Ralph Waldo Emerson, Notes
- ↑ 13歲仔玩手機遭薄責墮斃 單親慈母哭斷腸|即時新聞|港澳|on.cc東網
- ↑ 13歲仔打機受責墮斃 社工籲忌說「無鬼用」 - 晴報 - 港聞 - 新聞頭條 - D170302
- ↑ 吳若權《幸福人哈啦》
- ↑ 〈分手最後一根稻草|蘋果新聞網|蘋果日報〉。原著喺2020年3月28號歸檔。喺2019年4月6號搵到。