例如有研究抑鬱症嘅科學家就對 DBS 有興趣:抑鬱症嘅其中一個病徵係失樂(anhedonia),指病人對原本有興趣嘅活動(例如係不嬲玩開嘅嗜好)失去興趣,而神經科學研究表明,抑鬱症往往涉及多個犒賞系統腦區-包括前額皮層同 NAc(會幫手產生快感嘅腦區)呀噉[1]-活動弱得滯,所以呢啲科學家就喺度諗緊試吓用 DBS 嘅技術,用電極刺激抑鬱症病人嘅 NAc 等嘅腦區,而廿一世紀初嘅研究發現,呢種做法的確有助舒緩抑鬱症嘅失樂症狀[2][3]。
[編輯]- ↑ Bewernick, B. H., Kayser, S., Sturm, V., & Schlaepfer, T. E. (2012). Long-term effects of nucleus accumbens deep brain stimulation in treatment-resistant depression: evidence for sustained efficacy (PDF). Neuropsychopharmacology, 37(9), 1975-1985.
- ↑ Schlaepfer, T. E., Cohen, M. X., Frick, C., Kosel, M., Brodesser, D., Axmacher, N., ... & Sturm, V. (2008). Deep brain stimulation to reward circuitry alleviates anhedonia in refractory major depression (PDF). Neuropsychopharmacology, 33(2), 368-377.
- ↑ Schlaepfer, T. E., Bewernick, B. H., Kayser, S., Hurlemann, R., & Coenen, V. A. (2014). Deep brain stimulation of the human reward system for major depression - rationale, outcomes and outlook (PDF). Neuropsychopharmacology, 39(6), 1303-1314.