

包含 VTA 嘅圖解

腹側被蓋區ventral tegmental areaVTA)係中腦最底嘅一個腦區

VTA 係人腦犒賞系統(reward system)嘅重要一部份:VTA 有份對「顯示有犒賞存在」嘅外界刺激(例如係「見到朋友」或者「聞到嘢食好香」噉)俾反應-VTA 有神經通道連去伏隔核嗰一帶,又有通道連去前額皮層,當一隻動物感知到犒賞出現,伏隔核同前額皮層嘅多巴胺(dopamine;神經傳遞素一種)濃度會突然勁升,而呢啲多巴胺訊號係源自 VTA 嘅,話俾伏隔核同前額皮層知「有犒賞出現」[1]。簡單噉講,伏隔核嗰頭啲腦區-例如係杏仁核-跟住會負責令隻動物出現動機情緒上起變化,準備好要採取行動嚟攞想要嘅犒賞,而前額皮層就負責比較「高層」嘅認知功能,例如係衡量件犒賞嘅價值呀噉[2][3]



  1. Kalivas, P. (1993). Neurotransmitter regulation of dopamine neurons in the ventral tegmental area. Brain Research Reviews, 18 (1), 75-113
  2. Kokane, S. S., & Perrotti, L. I. (2020). Sex differences and the role of estradiol in mesolimbic reward circuits and vulnerability to cocaine and opiate addiction. Frontiers in behavioral neuroscience, 14.
  3. Becker, J. B., & Chartoff, E. (2019). Sex differences in neural mechanisms mediating reward and addiction. Neuropsychopharmacology, 44(1), 166-183.