情感(粵拼:cing4 gam2;英文:emotion),又或者叫情緒,係對一系列主觀認知經驗嘅通稱,係集合唔同感覺、思想同埋行為產生嘅心理同生理反應,譬如開心、傷心、嬲同好奇等等。
- 刺激:污糟嘢,好似係第啲動物嘅排泄物或者腐爛嘅嘢呀噉;
- 身心變化:失去食嘢嘅意慾(令佢唔會食一啲接近病原體嘅嘢食)、有想嘔嘅感覺(令佢嘔返啲可能有病原體嘅嘢食出嚟);
- 動機行為:遠離引起厭惡感嘅物件。
- 刺激:源於隻動物感知到啲認知上有刺激性嘅事物;
- 身心變化:一隻動物覺得好奇嗰陣,唔會好受壓,彷彿好似件事物係一樣犒賞噉[6];
- 動機行為:佢仲會有探索行為,會(例如)行埋引起佢好奇嗰件事物度,想睇清楚啲件事物。
[編輯]- ↑ Panksepp, J. (2004). Affective neuroscience: The foundations of human and animal emotions. Oxford university press. p. 9. "Our emotional feelings reflect our ability to subjectively experience certain states of the nervous system."
- ↑ LeDoux, J. E. (2012). Evolution of human emotion: a view through fear. In Progress in brain research (Vol. 195, pp. 431-442). Elsevier.
- ↑ Chapman, H. A., Kim, D. A., Susskind, J. M., & Anderson, A. K. (2009). In bad taste: Evidence for the oral origins of moral disgust (PDF). Science, 323(5918), 1222-1226.
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- ↑ Wu, Q., & Miao, C. (2013). Curiosity: From psychology to computation (PDF). ACM Computing Surveys (CSUR), 46(2), 1-26.
- ↑ Costa, Vincent D.; Tran, Valery L.; Turchi, Janita; Averbeck, Bruno B. (2014). "Dopamine modulates novelty seeking behavior during decision making". Behavioral Neuroscience. 128 (4): 556-566.
- ↑ Harmat, L., de Manzano, Ö., Theorell, T., Högman, L., Fischer, H., & Ullén, F. (2015). Physiological correlates of the flow experience during computer game playing. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 97(1), 1-7.