
Thomas Robert Malthus

Thomas Robert Malthus
姓名原文Thomas Malthus
出生日1766年2月13號、1766年2月14號 喺Wikidata改呢個
出生地Westcott 喺Wikidata改呢個
本名Thomas Robert Malthus
死亡日1834年12月23號 喺Wikidata改呢個 (68歲)
死亡地巴斯 喺Wikidata改呢個
國籍大不列顛愛爾蘭聯合王國大不列顛王國 喺Wikidata改呢個
母語英文 喺Wikidata改呢個
識嘅語言英文 喺Wikidata改呢個
信奉聖公宗 喺Wikidata改呢個
母校Jesus College、劍橋大學、Warrington Academy 喺Wikidata改呢個
職業經濟學家、essayist、statistician、demographer、Anglican priest、社會學者、數學家作家 喺Wikidata改呢個
名作Malthusian growth model、Malthusianism、An Essay on the Principle of Population、Malthusian catastrophe 喺Wikidata改呢個
配偶Harriet Eckersall 喺Wikidata改呢個
仔女Henry Malthus、Lucy Malthus、Emily Malthus 喺Wikidata改呢個
阿爸Daniel Malthus 喺Wikidata改呢個
阿媽Catherine Graham 喺Wikidata改呢個
兄弟姊妹Mary Anne Malthus、Sydenham Malthus 喺Wikidata改呢個

Thomas Robert Malthus1766年2月13號1834年12月23號)係英格蘭神職人員同學者。佢對政治經濟學人口學影響深遠[1]。Malthus 本人淨係用中間名 Robert[2]



  1. Petersen, William. 1979. Malthus. Heinemann, London. 2nd ed 1999.
  2. Template:Acad


  • Template:DNB
  • Klaus Hofmann: Beyond the Principle of Population. Malthus’ Essay. In: The European Journal of the History of Economic Thought. Bd. 20 (2013), H. 3, S. 399–425, DOI:10.1080/09672567.2012.654805.
  • Hollander, Samuel 1997. The Economics of Thomas Robert Malthus. University of Toronto Press. Dedicated to Malthus by the author. ISBN 0-521-64685-5.
  • James, Patricia 1979. Population Malthus: his life and times. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul.
  • Malthus, Thomas Robert. Definitions in Political Economy. Edited by Alexander K Bocast. Critical edition. McLean: Berkeley Bridge Press, 2016. ISBN 978-1-945208-01-0.
  • Peterson, William 1999. Malthus, founder of modern demography 2nd ed. Transaction. ISBN 0-7658-0481-6.


  • 古騰堡計劃Thomas Robert Malthus嘅作品
  • 來自Thomas Robert MalthusLibriVox英文LibriVox公共領域有聲讀物
  • Malthus, Thomas Robert (1999). Gilbert, Geoffrey (編). An Essay on the Principle of Population. Oxford world's classics. Oxford University Press. p. 208. ISBN 978-0-19-283747-9. 喺2010-02-12搵到.
  • 聯合國人口基金:More Food for More People But Not For All, and Not Forever
  • The Feast of Malthus by Garrett Hardin in The Social Contract (1998)
  • The International Society of Malthus
  • Online chapter "Malthus and the Evolutionists: The Common Context of Biological and Social Theory" from Darwin's Metaphor: Nature's Place in Victorian Culture by Professor Robert M. Young (1985, 1988, 1994). Cambridge University Press.
  • Thomas Robert Malthus (1766–1834). The Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. Library of Economics and Liberty (第2版). Liberty Fund. 2008.