Category talk:性工作


性工作 is more NPOV than 性服務業, in fact, they are talking about different things one is the work, other is the industry。--WikiCantona 2008年7月10號 (四) 11:26 (UTC)[回覆]

"工作" is not cantonese; "服務業"="service industry" (ie tertiary industry) is neutral. * -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零八年七月十號(星期四)格林尼治 12點41分33秒。
性工作 is not traditional Cantonese I agreed but it has been more and more acceptable as more and more people use this term. The difficult part is that I cannot find a NPOV term with even closed meaning in Cantonese - other terms (做老鶋,出嚟做,做嗰行) are very much POV and with many connotation. It is very reasonable to say it is a Cantonese term. Language is changing... --WikiCantona 2008年7月10號 (四) 13:02 (UTC)[回覆]

我覺近幾個月先有性工作呢古靈精怪嘅名。正確來講,應該係。法律都係咁寫[1]。性服務業其實都係怪名,根本就唔知講乜。家計會係咪性服務業,性工作?婦科醫生係性服務業,性工作?呢啲兜大彎嘅講,根本就唔合維基唔用婉委語嘅原則。叫返妓先係正路。HenryLi 2008年7月10號 (四) 13:13 (UTC)[回覆]

+ * -- :-) Hillgentleman | | 二零零八年七月十號(星期四)格林尼治 15點57分21秒。