{{dated prod|concern = |month = 02|day = 8|year = 2025|time = 20:45|timestamp = 20250208204530}}
[編輯]When used, this template will appear as below. Note that this template should be substituted, or else red text (呢個模一定要替代。 改{{prod|reason}}做{{subst:prod|reason}}。) will appear.
It is proposed that this article be deleted.
If you can address this concern by improving, copyediting, sourcing, renaming or merging the page, please edit this page and do so. You may remove this message if you improve the article or otherwise object to its deletion for any reason. To avoid confusion, it helps to explain why you object to the deletion, either in the edit summary or on the talk page. If this template is removed, it should not be replaced. This template was added 2025-02-08 20:45; five days from then is 2025-02-13 20:45. If you created the article, please don't take offense. Instead, consider improving the article so that it is acceptable according to the deletion policy. Author(s) notification template: {{subst:prodwarning|Template:Prod}} ~~~~ |
Usage: {{subst:prod|reason}}. Please remember to include your reason for proposing deletion, and please use an edit summary when you propose an article for deletion.
More information about the Wikipedia proposed deletion process can be found at Wikipedia:Proposed deletion.
上面嘅解係穿透包含咗自Template:Prod/doc。 (改 | 史) 編者可以響呢個模嘅沙盤 (開 | 鏡)同埋試例 (開)版度試驗佢。 請加個類到個/doc嘅細版度。 呢個模嘅細版。 |