基於事件架構(粵拼:gei1 jyu1 si6 gin2 gaa3 gau3;英文:event-driven architecture,EDA)係一種軟件畫則範式,集中於產生、探測同消耗系統嘅狀態改變:每次系統狀態起明顯變化,就算係有一次事件(event);一次事件會包含「發生咗乜事」(邊啲變數起咗變化同點變法)以及版頭(件事件喺邊個時間點發生、屬乜嘢類型同叫乜名),而用基於事件架構嘅軟件運作方式圍繞住要個程式對事件起反應(事件驅動編程)[1][2]。
舉個例說明,想像有一隻電子遊戲,遊戲程式會創造一個遊戲世界,喺每個時間點,遊戲世界都處於某個狀態,而家遊戲世界發生某啲特定嘅事件,例如玩家角色嘅生命值變成 0,噉玩家角色嘅狀態會由「生勾勾」變成「死咗」,遊戲程式(一個系統)會收到一個訊息,知道呢件事件發生,並且按個程式嘅內容應對(進入 GAME OVER)[3]。
[編輯]- Article defining the differences between EDA and SOA: How EDA extends SOA and why it is important by Jack van Hoof.
- Real-world example of business events flowing in an SOA: SOA, EDA, and CEP - a winning combo by Udi Dahan.
- Article describing the concept of event data: Analytics for hackers, how to think about event data by Michelle Wetzler. (Web archive)
[編輯]- ↑ K. Mani Chandy Event-Driven Applications: Costs, Benefits and Design Approaches, California Institute of Technology, 2006.
- ↑ Event Sourcing.
- ↑ Game Architecture (PDF).