創意限制(英文:creative limitation)係有關提升創意嘅一個概念,指一位管理者特登對員工設下一啲限制-包括時間限制、材料限制、或者限住佢哋唔准用某啲方法呀噉,並且想用呢樣嘢嚟提升創意。
- 支持方嘅主要論點係噉:人做嘢嗰陣通常都係會用習慣性用開嘅方法-覺得用開掂,就會一路係噉用住(睇埋啟發法等嘅概念),所以如果想啲員工用吓新方法嚟做嘢諗嘢(創意嘅必要條件),就實要令啲既有嘅做嘢方法行唔通,啲員工先會有動力去搵新方法做嘢諗嘢,所以設下限制係能夠提升創意嘅[3][4];
- 反對方嘅主要論點就係噉:人要展現創意,就實要有空間俾佢哋自由噉探索;人要有動機探索,就需要覺得自己唔受即時嘅威脅(可以睇吓玩嘅概念),所以如果想啲員工能夠自主噉探索唔同嘅做嘢諗嘢方法,就需要俾佢哋有充裕嘅資源(包括時間同材料等),如果唔係佢哋就會進入防守狀態,唔敢亂咁試新嘢[5];
亦都有啲人提出比較中庸嘅觀點,認為現實嘅情況係複雜嘅,「創意限制對創意有利定有害」視乎情況-創意限制喺某啲情況下對創意有利,喺另一啲情況下對創意有害。到咗 2020 年代,學界同商界都仲係喺度研究緊呢條問題,未有一致嘅共識[6][7]。
[編輯]- ↑ Hoegl, Martin; Gibbert, Michael; Mazursky, David (2008). "Financial constraints in innovation projects: When is less more?". Research Policy. 37 (8): 1382-1391.
- ↑ Moreau, C. Page; Dahl, Darren W. (2005). "Designing the Solution: The Impact of Constraints on Consumers' Creativity". Journal of Consumer Research. 32 (1): 13-22.
- ↑ Ward, T.B. (1994). "Structured Imagination: the Role of Category Structure in Exemplar Generation". Cognitive Psychology. 27 (1): 1-40.
- ↑ Stokes, Patricia D. (2007). "Using constraints to generate and sustain novelty". Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts. 1 (2): 107-113.
- ↑ Amabile, Teresa M.; Conti, Regina; Coon, Heather; Lazenby, Jeffrey; Herron, Michael (1996). "Assessing the Work Environment for Creativity". Academy of Management Journal. 39 (5): 1154-1184.
- ↑ Weiss, Matthias; Hoegl, Martin; Gibbert, Michael (2011). "Making Virtue of Necessity: The Role of Team Climate for Innovation in Resource-Constrained Innovation Projects". Journal of Product Innovation Management. 28 (s1): 196-207.
- ↑ Weiss, Matthias; Hoegl, Martin; Gibbert, Michael (2017). "How Does Material Resource Adequacy Affect Innovation Project Performance? A Meta-Analysis". Journal of Product Innovation Management. 34 (6): 842-863.
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