
神祇(粵音:san4 kei4),亦都叫神,係指天神同地祇,泛指一齊嘅神明。
冇一個普遍接受嘅共識話神係乜嘢,唔同文化對神嘅概念都好唔同。[14]:69–74[26] Huw Owen話「神或者上帝或者喺其他語言入面相等嘅詞」呢個詞有好多唔同嘅意思同重要性。[27]:vii-ix 佢嘅意思由「創造同掌管宇宙嘅無限超然存在」(上帝),到「有特殊意義或者引起特殊感覺嘅有限實體或經歷」(神),到「喺宗教或哲學背景下同大自然或者放大咗嘅存在或者超凡領域有關嘅概念」,以至「好多其他用法」都有。[27]:vii–ix
一個神通常被概念化為一個超自然或神聖嘅概念,喺某啲或者所有方面都表現出卓越,同時喺其他方面又要同弱點同問題搏鬥,有英雄主義嘅看法同行為,但又同情感同慾望糾纏喺一齊。[28][29] 喺其他情況下,神可能係一個原則或者現實,好似「靈魂」呢個概念咁。例如,印度教嘅奧義書將阿特曼(靈魂、自我)描述為deva(神),從而確定deva同永恆嘅最高原則(梵)係每一個生物嘅一部分,呢個靈魂係精神同神聖嘅,而認識自我就係認識最高嘅。[30][31][32]
有神論係相信存在一個或者多個神。[33][34] 多神論係相信同崇拜多個神,[35] 呢啲神通常組成一個萬神殿,仲有相應嘅儀式。[35] 喺大多數多神教入面,唔同嘅神同女神係自然力量或者祖先崇拜原則嘅代表,可以被視為自主嘅,又或者係創造神或者超越嘅絕對原則(一元論神學)嘅方面或者放射,喺自然界內在地顯現。[35] 一神教多神論接受有多過一個神嘅存在,但係認為所有神都係同一個神聖原則嘅等同代表或者方面,呢個係最高嘅。[5][36][4][37] 單一神教係相信有好多神存在,但係只可以合法崇拜其中一個神。[38][39]
一神論係相信只有一個神存在。[40][41][42][43][44][45][46]Template:過多參照 一個一神論嘅神,通常叫做「上帝」,通常被描述為全能、無所不在、全知、全善同永恆。[47] 不過,唔係所有神都係咁樣被睇待,[10][12][48][49] 一個實體唔需要係全能、無所不在、全知、全善或者永恆先可以算係神。[10][12][48]
學者推斷喺史前時期應該有神明嘅存在,根據石刻同史前藝術,例如洞穴畫,但其實唔清楚呢啲畫係乜嘢同埋點解會畫出嚟。[52] 有啲刻畫或者畫作顯示咗動物、獵人或者儀式。[53]
曾經有段時間,考古學家幾乎將所有史前女性雕像都解釋為一個原始女神嘅象徵,呢個原始女神係歷史上確認嘅女神,例如伊南娜、伊絲塔、阿斯塔蒂、賽貝同阿芙蘿黛蒂嘅祖先;[54] 但而家呢個說法大部分都被否定咗。[54] 現代考古學家一般認為,係唔可能將任何史前雕像確實認定為任何形式嘅神明,唔好講女神啦。[54] 不過,仍然可以逐個案去評估古代嘅雕像,睇下有幾大可能係代表神明。[54]
威倫多夫維納斯,一個喺歐洲發現嘅女性雕像,約公元前25,000年,俾人認為係史前女神嘅一個例子。[53] 喺'Ain Ghazal發現咗幾個可能代表神明嘅雕像[54],同埋喺Çatalhöyük出土嘅藝術品,顯示咗一個可能係複雜嘅神話嘅參考。[54]
[編輯]自然神(Natural God)源自原始社會嘅後期,將駕馭唔到嘅自然體、自然力演化做神,喺拜物教初期,直接將自然體,好似火、雷、水、太陽等直接加人格化,認為佢哋本身係有意志同生命,之後甚至都神化動物植物,隨著啲人嘅抽象能力增強,神靈獨立喺自然物體嘅觀念都逐漸萌生。
[編輯]社會神(Social God)將社會現象或者力量人格化,源自原始社會後期,係自然神嘅演化,隨著生產力嘅發展同社會結構複雜化、階級化,人唔再係一個個嘅個體,社會力量都俾人話係理解唔到同唔到以駕馭嘅力量,好似戰神、愛神、財神、地域守護神、行業神等等。
[編輯]- 宗族神,同自己嘅宗族有關。
- 家神(Family God)係家庭嘅守護神,通常係供奉本家嘅祖先,信者覺得祖先做咗神,可以守住家庭安穩,喺依方面某程度上係部落神嘅類同,但係家神都有將家族分宗同標立家族獨特性嘅功用,不同部落神嘅係家神少有合併歸流。
- 部落神(Tribal God)同部落起源或者成個部落起源有關。(睇埋:圖騰)
- 民族神(National God)係幾個較大部落嘅部落神嘅合併體,或者幾位同宗教嘅主神。民族嘅消滅都唔會令個民族神消失,因為佢有可能畀其他民族吸收同化。
- 行業神(Trade God)都可以算係社會神嘅一支,隨住社會分工而產生,多數同神話或各行嘅首創者、有功者有關,好似中國嘅魯班、古希臘嘅阿耳忒彌斯等。
[編輯]- ↑ Becking, Bob; Dijkstra, Meindert; Korpel, Marjo; Vriezen, Karel (2001). Only One God?: Monotheism in Ancient Israel and the Veneration of the Goddess Asherah (英文). London: New York. p. 189. ISBN 978-0-567-23212-0. 喺28 June 2017搵到.
The Christian tradition is, in imitation of Judaism, a monotheistic religion. This implies that believers accept the existence of only one God. Other deities either do not exist, are considered inferior, are seen as the product of human imagination, or are dismissed as remnants of a persistent paganism
- ↑ Korte, Anne-Marie; Haardt, Maaike De (2009). The Boundaries of Monotheism: Interdisciplinary Explorations Into the Foundations of Western Monotheism (英文). Brill. p. 9. ISBN 978-90-04-17316-3. 喺28 June 2017搵到.
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- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Reat, N. Ross; Perry, Edmund F. (1991). A World Theology: The Central Spiritual Reality of Humankind (英文). Cambridge University Press. pp. 73–75. ISBN 978-0-521-33159-3. 喺28 June 2017搵到.
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 引用錯誤 無效嘅
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- ↑ Trigger, Bruce G. (2003). Understanding Early Civilizations: A Comparative Study (第1版). Cambridge University Press. pp. 473–474. ISBN 978-0-521-82245-9.
- ↑ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Hood, Robert Earl (1990). Must God Remain Greek?: Afro Cultures and God-talk. Fortress Press. pp. 128–29. ISBN 978-1-4514-1726-5.
African people may describe their deities as strong, but not omnipotent; wise but not omniscient; old but not eternal; great but not omnipresent (...)
- ↑ 11.0 11.1 Trigger, Bruce G. (2003). Understanding Early Civilizations: A Comparative Study (第1版). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 441–42. ISBN 978-0-521-82245-9.
[Historically...] people perceived far fewer differences between themselves and the gods than the adherents of modern monotheistic religions. Deities were not thought to be omniscient or omnipotent and were rarely believed to be changeless or eternal
- ↑ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Murdoch, John (1861). English Translations of Select Tracts, Published in India: With an Introd. Containing Lists of the Tracts in Each Language. Graves. pp. 141–42.
We [monotheists] find by reason and revelation that God is omniscient, omnipotent, most holy, etc., but the Hindu deities possess none of those attributes. It is mentioned in their Shastras that their deities were all vanquished by the Asurs, while they fought in the heavens, and for fear of whom they left their abodes. This plainly shows that they are not omnipotent.
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