


羅馬唔係一日起好,係句格言,意思係好嘢/正嘢係需要時間嚟整嘅。係由英文"Rome wasn't built in a day" 譯過嚟,英文呢句喺一一九〇年左近由古法文 Rome ne fu[t] pas faite toute en un jour 翻譯過嚟[1]。現代法文嘅講法係 «Rome ne s'est pas faite en un jour»。

John Heywood 寫嗰本 A Dialogue Conteinyng the Nomber in Effect of all the Prouerbes in the Englishe Tongue (c. 1538)[2] 令呢句格言頭一次喺英文出現。寫法係 "Rome was not bylt on a daie"。


拉丁文嘅現在完成式,間接講法(oratio recta)就咁寫成單獨引句會係 Roma uno die non est condita

  1. "Li proverbe au vilain, die Sprichwörter des gemeinen Mannes : Altfranzösische Dichtung nach den bisher bekannten Handschriften". 2010-07-21. 喺2018-02-20搵到.
  2. Heywood, John; Sharman, Julian (1874). "The Proverbs of John Heywood: Being the "Proverbes" of that Author Printed ... - John Heywood - Google Books". 喺2018-02-20搵到.
  3. «Hæc tamen vulgaris sententia me aliquantulum recreavit, quæ etsi non auferre, tamen minuere possit dolorem meum, quæ quidem sententia hæc est, Romam uno die non fuisse conditam.» "But this common saying has given me a certain amount of comfort – a saying which cannot take away, but can at least lessen, the grief that I feel; and the saying is, that Rome was not built in one day." —https://books.google.com/books?id=VOZRAAAAcAAJ&hl=en&pg=PA176