
表現主義(粵拼:biu2 jin6 zyu2 ji3;英文:expressionism)係廿世紀初起源於德國嘅一場現代主義藝術運動。表現主義嘅核心諗頭係強調以主觀嘅角度描繪世界,而唔追求客觀噉描繪世界,所以好多時會用極端嘅情感表現,務求令讀者或者觀眾喺情緒上受到件作品感染[1][2],好似係表現主義嘅畫噉,就具有以下嘅特徵[3][4]:
- 會扭曲現實,畫起嘢上嚟唔追求要畫作似實物-呢點同(好多時重視盡可能噉畫得似實物)嘅傳統歐洲畫藝成強烈對比;
- 喺用色上大膽,一幅畫作裏面有對比好強好刺眼嘅多種顏色;
- 將物件嘅某啲特徵誇大,追求加強情緒效果。
以挪威畫家孟克(挪威文:Edvard Munch)喺 1893 年畫嘅作品《吶喊》(德文:Der Schrei der Natur,意思係「大自然嘅吶喊」)為例。吶喊廣泛噉俾人認為係表現主義嘅代表作之一,幅畫用咗極度扭曲嘅線條,色彩上好唔似自然景物,而且幅畫嘅主角特徵誇大(身體有誇張、唔真實嘅扭曲),令成幅畫帶有好強烈嘅焦慮恐慌情緒[5]。
表現主義喺一戰前崛起(不過亦有學者指出,德文地區嘅藝術早喺中世紀經已有表現主義嘅特徵[4])。話咁快就喺以柏林做中心嘅德國-以至成個日耳曼歐洲(包括挪威、瑞典、同奧地利等地區)-大受歡迎。打後,表現主義仲擴展咗去畫同詩以外嘅藝術型式當中,例子有表現主義建築(expressionist architecture)[6]。
August Macke, Lady in a Green Jacket, 1913
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Nollendorfplatz, 1912
Ernst Ludwig Kirchner, Self-Portrait as a Soldier, 1915
[編輯]- ↑ Bruce Thompson, University of California, Santa Cruz, lecture on Weimar culture/Kafka'a Prague. Archived 2010-01-11 at the Wayback Machine.
- ↑ Chris Baldick. Concise Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms, entry for Expressionism
- ↑ Victorino Tejera, 1966, pages 85,140, Art and Human Intelligence, Vision Press Limited, London.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Expressionism.
- ↑ Olson, Donald W.; Russell L. Doescher; Marilynn S. Olson (May 2005). "The Blood-Red Sky of the Scream". APS News. American Physical Society, 13 (5).
- ↑ Gombrich, E.H. (1995). The Story of Art (16. ed. (rev., expanded and redesigned). ed.). London: Phaidon. pp. 563–568.
- ↑ Garzanti, Aldo (1974) [1972]. Enciclopedia Garzanti della letteratura (in Italian). Milan: Guido Villa. p. 963. page 241.
[編輯]- Antonín Matějček cited in Gordon, Donald E. (1987). Expressionism: Art and Idea. New Haven: Yale University Press. ISBN 9780300033106
- Jonah F. Mitchell (Berlin, 2003). Doctoral thesis. Expressionism between Western modernism and Teutonic Sonderweg. Courtesy of the author.
- Friedrich Nietzsche (1872). The Birth of Tragedy Out of The Spirit of Music. Trans. Clifton P. Fadiman. New York: Dover, 1995. ISBN 0-486-28515-4.
- Judith Bookbinder, Boston modern: figurative expressionism as alternative modernism, (Durham, N.H.: University of New Hampshire Press; Hanover: University Press of New England, ©2005.) ISBN 1-58465-488-0, ISBN 978-1-58465-488-9
- Bram Dijkstra, American expressionism: art and social change, 1920–1950, (New York: H.N. Abrams, in association with the Columbus Museum of Art, 2003.) ISBN 0-8109-4231-3, ISBN 978-0-8109-4231-8
- Ditmar Elger Expressionism - A Revolution in German Art. ISBN 978-3-8228-3194-6
- Paul Schimmel and Judith E Stein, The Figurative fifties: New York figurative expressionism, The Other Tradition (Newport Beach, California: Newport Harbor Art Museum: New York: Rizzoli, 1988.) ISBN 978-0-8478-0942-4 ISBN 978-0-91749312-6
- Marika Herskovic, American Abstract and Figurative Expressionism: Style Is Timely Art Is Timeless (New York School Press, 2009.) ISBN 978-0-9677994-2-1.
- Lakatos Gabriela Luciana, Expressionism Today, University of Art and Design Cluj Napoca, 2011.