Quit ye the soul's sorrow
Each soul has its sorrow : this ye ought first to quit and cast aside.
The soul's sorrow galls : quit it, then there is peace.
Wide, wide is the sea of bitterness : ill-fated be more than half
therein :
But whoso find joy amid the bitter, theirs is an angel-spirit.
If woe and bitterness pass beyond sufferance, then 'tis an evil shift;
Though better than that hell which is the judge's gate : it were more
grievous far.
Draw back but a step from your petty grief : ocean widens : heaven's
void deepens : no need then to fret yourself.
The soul that can quit its thrall truly is as a land of boundless joy.
If quittance there be, but quittance be not complete, then exercise
yourselves in secret charity.
Aye! But take count of all things :
The hoard of a good heart brings no hazard :
Look you ! Its far reward is in the life to come, its near reward is
beneath your eyes.