Erdős-Ulam 問題
喺數學入邊,Erdős-Ulam 問題(英文:Erdős-Ulam problem)就係想問平面入邊存唔存在一個稠密集,任意兩點嘅歐幾里得距離都係有理數。呢個問題係以數學家艾狄胥同 Stanislaw Ulam 命名嘅。
[編輯]Erdős-Anning 定理話一個集如果啲距離全部都係整數嘅話,個集一係就有限一係就成一直線。[1]但係,如果放鬆到有理數距離嘅話,就可以有其他嘅無限集,例如,喺單位圓上邊,設係由
[編輯]喺 1946年,Stanislaw Ulam 問平面上邊存唔存在稠密集,入邊每兩點嘅距離都係有理數。[2]雖然呢個問題到依家都仲未有人答到,József Solymosi 同 Frank de Zeeuw 就證明到有無限粒有理距離點嘅不可約代數曲線就只有直線同圓形。[3]Terence Tao 同 Jafar Shaffaf 各自獨立發現,如果 Bombieri-Lang 猜想係真嘅話,同樣嘅方法可以證明平面上唔存在稠密有理距離集。[4][5]用另一個方法,Hector Pasten 證明 abc 猜想都可以否證 Erdős-Ulam 問題。[6]
[編輯]如果 Erdős-Ulam 問題嘅答案係「有」嘅話,咁就可以提供 Bombieri-Lang 猜想[4][5]同 abc 猜想[6]嘅反例,佢亦都可以解決 Harborth 猜想,呢個猜想係問係咪所有平面圖都可以喺平面到畫出嚟,而且畫到每條邊都係整數長度。如果有一個稠密有理距離集嘅話,任何嘅平面圖都可以郁少少,令到每一點都喺呢個稠密集入邊,而且過程唔會製造交叉出嚟,再透過放大縮細將啲長度由有理數變成整數。不過,同 Erdős-Ulam 問題一樣,Harborth 猜想都係未有人答到嘅。
[編輯]- ↑ Anning, Norman H.; Erdős, Paul (1945), "Integral distances", Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society, 51 (8): 598–600, doi:10.1090/S0002-9904-1945-08407-9.
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 Klee, Victor; Wagon, Stan (1991), "Problem 10 Does the plane contain a dense rational set?", Old and New Unsolved Problems in Plane Geometry and Number Theory, Dolciani mathematical expositions,第11卷, Cambridge University Press, pp. 132–135, ISBN 978-0-88385-315-3.
- ↑ Solymosi, József; de Zeeuw, Frank (2010), "On a question of Erdős and Ulam", Discrete and Computational Geometry, 43 (2): 393–401, arXiv:0806.3095, doi:10.1007/s00454-009-9179-x, MR 2579704, S2CID 15288690
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Tao, Terence (2014-12-20), "The Erdos-Ulam problem, varieties of general type, and the Bombieri-Lang conjecture", What's new, 喺2016-12-05搵到
- ↑ 5.0 5.1 Shaffaf, Jafar (May 2018), "A solution of the Erdős–Ulam problem on rational distance sets assuming the Bombieri–Lang conjecture", Discrete & Computational Geometry, 60 (8): 283–293, arXiv:1501.00159, doi:10.1007/s00454-018-0003-3, S2CID 51907500
- ↑ 6.0 6.1 Pasten, Hector (2017), "Definability of Frobenius orbits and a result on rational distance sets", Monatshefte für Mathematik, 182 (1): 99–126, doi:10.1007/s00605-016-0973-2, MR 3592123, S2CID 7805117