如果係數學證實出來,都只會係平均約6,同埋分佈眾數接近6,standard deviation好細。凡分佈永遠有極端,所以最尾至少有少少例外。HenryLi 2007年7月27號 (五) 23:38 (UTC)
睇返 講到六度分隔有數學嘅支持,咁可唔可以叫「理論」呢?--WikiCantona 2007年7月28號 (六) 00:25 (UTC)
- 我之前睇過下。裏面係用機會率。機會率係唔確定,有可能係,又可能唔係,唔可以寫死一定細過或等於六。我有呢個疑問,所以響處問下。HenryLi 2007年7月28號 (六) 04:03 (UTC)
- 本意係好簡單嘅一句statement,而一句statement 一係啱,一係錯。問題係似乎無人真係去證過或者指出反例,衍生出來嘅研究結果 夾埋可以叫理論。總之睇你篇文想講乜、想講幾多幾闊,但最基本嘅就係一句假說(hypothesis)。
- 『六度分隔有數學嘅支持』 <---- 唔拉更--->『 可唔可以叫「理論」』* -- :-) Hillgentleman | 書 | 二零零七年七月二十八號(星期六)格林尼治 05時37分39秒。
- My writing in Cantonese is really poor in detail but I do hate long paragraphs. Please read en:theory first, theory = 理論. Use mathmetical model to support, and is testable, then 六度分隔 should be a 理論. While hypothesis or theorem, the latter has very well defined meaning in math, it does not make sense to say it is a theorem, and it is definely more than a hypothesis. --WikiCantona 2007年7月28號 (六) 05:53 (UTC)
- "Six degrees of seperation" is a hypothesis. Why do you say it is not?* -- :-) Hillgentleman | 書 | 二零零七年七月二十八號(星期六)格林尼治 08時57分05秒。
- I said it should not be called 猜想 (which carries a mathmatical connotation). It is more than a hypothesis. A theory include a hypothese and more. this is it. --WikiCantona 2007年7月28號 (六) 21:06 (UTC)
- Yet, originally六度分隔 was a hypthesis, conjecture, suggestion, guess, whatever. It says, if you allow me to paraphrase, "The 'degree of seperation' of the living people in the current world is six."
- I do agree tbat there is now a theory around the original hypothesis. So we may call it a theory if you like.* -- :-) Hillgentleman | 書 | 二零零七年七月二十九號(星期日)格林尼治 02時46分06秒。
- I said it should not be called 猜想 (which carries a mathmatical connotation). It is more than a hypothesis. A theory include a hypothese and more. this is it. --WikiCantona 2007年7月28號 (六) 21:06 (UTC)
- "Six degrees of seperation" is a hypothesis. Why do you say it is not?* -- :-) Hillgentleman | 書 | 二零零七年七月二十八號(星期六)格林尼治 08時57分05秒。
對外連結有變 (2021年1月)
我啱啱救返六度分隔上面嘅 1 個對外連結。麻煩檢查下我改嘅嘢。有咩查詢,或者想隻機械人唔理啲外連,或者想隻機械人成版唔好掂,請睇呢版簡明嘅問答頁。我改咗呢啲外連:
- 加咗存檔 落