用 ChatGPT generate 嘅 outline...
- Introduction: An overview of what mobile apps are and why they are important, including their history and evolution over time.
- Types of mobile apps: A section describing the different categories of mobile apps, such as gaming, social networking, productivity, and more.
- Platforms and app stores: An explanation of the various platforms that mobile apps can run on, such as iOS, Android, and Windows Phone, as well as the different app stores that users can download apps from, such as the Apple App Store and Google Play.
- App development: A section detailing the process of developing a mobile app, including the various programming languages, frameworks, and tools that developers use.
- Monetization and business models: An exploration of the different ways that app developers can make money from their apps, such as through in-app purchases, advertising, and subscription models.
- User experience: A discussion of the importance of user experience in mobile apps, including design principles and best practices for creating engaging and user-friendly apps.
- Security and privacy: An explanation of the potential security and privacy risks associated with using mobile apps, as well as the measures that developers can take to mitigate these risks.
- Impact and influence: A section exploring the impact that mobile apps have had on society and culture, as well as the role that they play in shaping our behavior and communication patterns.
- Future directions: A look ahead at the future of mobile apps, including emerging technologies and trends that are likely to shape the industry in the coming years.
- Conclusion: A summary of the key points made in the article, and a reminder of the importance of mobile apps in our daily lives.
Dr. Greywolf (傾偈) 2023年2月27號 (一) 02:34 (UTC)
[編輯]@Dr. Greywolf — 我知引咗大學網站,但係寫嗰篇文嘅人好似唔識嘢咁。冇做第啲調查,立眼睇問題係:
- JavaScript 最多人用,除非有證據,我睇可能性好低;Android 係用 Java,唔係 JavaScript,佢亦都寫寫下 JavaScript 寫咗 Java,講緊邊隻都唔知,明顯唔識嘢;
- 冇記錯 iOS 唔係用爾三隻,唔記得係乜(但係應該唔係 C++)
我睇搵下有冇第個出處會好啲。 Al12si (傾偈) 2023年3月2號 (四) 10:49 (UTC)
@Al12si: 我用咗 ChatGPT 寫。:P Dr. Greywolf (傾偈) 2023年3月2號 (四) 11:04 (UTC)
- 哎呀……用 AI 寫嘢要 post-edit 㗎……
- Post-edit 用嘅時間分分鐘同自己寫一樣咁耐 =P Al12si (傾偈) 2023年3月2號 (四) 11:38 (UTC)
- @Al12si: 係,我都開始有噉嘅感覺。Dr. Greywolf (傾偈) 2023年3月2號 (四) 12:34 (UTC)
對外連結有變 (2023年7月)
我啱啱救返流動應用程式上面嘅 1 個對外連結。麻煩檢查下我改嘅嘢。有咩查詢,或者想隻機械人唔理啲外連,或者想隻機械人成版唔好掂,請睇呢版簡明嘅問答頁。我改咗呢啲外連:
- 加咗存檔 落
唔該晒!—InternetArchiveBot (報告軟件缺陷) 2023年7月21號 (五) 04:43 (UTC)
對外連結有變 (2024年10月)
我啱啱救返流動應用程式上面嘅 1 個對外連結。麻煩檢查下我改嘅嘢。有咩查詢,或者想隻機械人唔理啲外連,或者想隻機械人成版唔好掂,請睇呢版簡明嘅問答頁。我改咗呢啲外連:
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