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My practice of adapting use of 本字
This page is my practice of using 本字. This page is intended for my personal reference, does not represent Cantonese Wikipedia position.
- 本字:Wikipedia:粵語本字。
- 古字:以前用、而家唔用嘅中文字。
- 造字:係近代造出嚟嘅粵字。
- 借字:而家用開嘅中文字,因為個音一樣,借嚟用嘅字。
- Characters specialize and evolve through time. Example: 申→ 眒、珅、伸、 胂、紳、呻、砷
- 文字係約定俗成。
- Communication can be one or two-way. One-way communication implies author and receiver(s) while their roles fixed. Two-way communication implies at least 2 individuals who send and receive data to each others. More, communication in everyday use implies comprehensions of data from the receiving end.
- Word and text are for communication. If no one understands the text, it is not communication.
- 廣泛使用嘅(e.g. 攰、㗎、畀)。
- 冇乜拗撬嘅(e.g. 打甂爐)。
- 冇造字嘅古字(e.g. 噏(「up」))。
- 個本字不過已經有咗現代、廣泛接受嘅用法,而家個意思同本字好唔同(e.g. 渠(佢)、忌(嘅))。
- 個本字有廣泛接受嘅用法而個意思同個字相似,不過個造字係廣泛使用(e.g. 無(冇)、來(嚟))。
- 個本字冇人識,個借字人人用、比較常用(e.g. 誃(扯))。
- 有拗撬嘅(e.g. 恁 →?咁?諗)。
- 完全冇人知你寫乜,上文下理都估唔倒嘅。
- 個本字不過已經有好多個現代、廣泛接受嘅用法,用起嚟會令句嘢唔清楚嘅(e.g. 重)。
- 冇造字嘅古字,不過好少人識(e.g. 頭耷耷 /tau4 daap7 daap7/)。
- 冇造字嘅古字,上文下理可能估倒嘅(e.g. 撳制嘅撳、 亂噏嘅噏)。