User talk:Mikedou

Mikedou哈佬!食咗飯未?歡迎加入粵文維基百科 🙂
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  • 寫文嗰陣,想像自己用廣東話講正經嘢嗰時會點講,然後將你把口講嘅嘢寫低,「粵文」係將粵語直接寫低嘅文字。
  • 如果有啲粵語當中嘅字你識講唔識寫嘅話,可以去呢度問,甚至可以索性寫
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  • 維基百科唔鼓勵搞破壞,如果搞破壞,就會俾人封鎖
  • 我哋發展緊翻譯外文專有名詞嘅一套指引《Wikipedia:翻譯》,你可以參考同埋俾意見。希望你鍾意嚟呢度寫嘢。
  • 得閒嘅多啲嚟嘆杯茶,同粵維友一齊車天車地!
  • Welcome to Cantonese Wikipedia. If you cannot understand Cantonese, you can write to our Ambassador. Enjoy yourself.

{{subst:#if: |{{subst:var1|</}}{{subst:var1|span>}}我係歡迎你嘅維基人:{{subst:var1|<}}{{subst:var1|1=span style="display:none">}} |{{subst:var1|</}}{{subst:var1|span>}}我係歡迎你嘅維基人:~~~~{{subst:var1|<}}{{subst:var1|1=span style="display:none">}} }}

我係歡迎你嘅維基人:Dr. Greywolf (傾偈) 2021年6月7號 (一) 06:48 (UTC)[回覆]


其實我系躲貓貓wiki嘅管理員,內容符合關注度,只不過來源比較少。——Thyj (傾偈) 2022年4月30號 (六) 10:00 (UTC)[回覆]


@Mikedou Hi, thank you for contributing on the Cadillac page I created by changing its name how it should be in Cantonese. Please can you also correct the language mistakes that appear like it were mixed with Northern Chinese and write it correctly in Cantonese in order to remove the warning message? Thanks SYDIBRA (傾偈) 2023年2月1號 (三) 15:48 (UTC)[回覆]