Wikipedia:城市論壇 (技術)/歸檔/2019年6月
呢次嘅歸檔係由Shinjiman ⇔ ♨響2019年8月30號 (五) 03:42 (UTC)做嘅。
Correct title悖論
[編輯]用Template:Correct title嘅文,改文嗰陣有提示: Display title "xxxxxx" was ignored since it is not equivalent to the page's actual title. 。點解要ignore呢?若果Display title同page's actual title一樣,使鬼用Template:Correct title咩?--Johnarkeung (傾偈) 2019年1月5號 (六) 11:45 (UTC)
- 嗰幾版有個『#』號喺裏面,嗰個符號用唔到做標題名,所以就會用到上面所提及到嘅模。 Shinjiman ⇔ ♨ 2019年1月5號 (六) 16:36 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Tech News writers, editors and translators wish you a pleasant 2019 year.
Recent changes
- RelatedSites extension has been undeployed. It was used to create interwiki links on Wikivoyage, now handled by Wikidata. [1]
- MediaWiki logstash logging is moving to a new infrastructure. This is an ongoing deployment. [2]
- has been updated, with new and updated repositories and a new search options for code. [3]
- On several wikis, an account named "濫用過濾器" has been created on December 17 to perform some technical maintenance on AbuseFilter. This account has sysop rights but it's a system user and no human can use it. The account already existed on wikis where AbuseFilter can perform blocks, which are issued using this account. See T212268 for more information and future plans.
- In AbuseFilter, the "控頻" action takes three parameters: count, period and groups. They must now strictly respect the requirements listed on A list of broken filters is on Phabricator. If you're familiar with AbuseFilter, please take a look and fix them. [4]
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from January 8. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from January 9. It will be on all wikis from January 10 (calendar).
- Search Platform Office Hours is rescheduled to January 9. Check the details for time and date.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2019年1月7號 (一) 18:30 (UTC)
FileExporter beta feature
[編輯]A new beta feature will soon be released on all wikis: The FileExporter. It allows exports of files from a local wiki to Wikimedia Commons, including their file history and page history. Which files can be exported is defined by each wiki's community: Please check your wiki's configuration file if you want to use this feature.
The FileExporter has already been a beta feature on, meta.wikimedia, deWP, faWP, arWP, koWP and on After some functionality was added, it's now becoming a beta feature on all wikis. Deployment is planned for January 16. More information can be found on the project page.
As always, feedback is highly appreciated. If you want to test the FileExporter, please activate it in your user preferences. The best place for feedback is the central talk page. Thank you from Wikimedia Deutschland's Technical Wishes project.
Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 2019年1月14號 (一) 09:42 (UTC)
- 你而家可以喺内容翻譯架生度用Google翻譯。 [5][6]
- You can now add captions to files on Commons. Captions are short descriptions of the file. They can be translated to all languages we use. They can't use wikitext markup.
- 以前,括住嘅HTML屬性後面要有個空格。而家唔駛嘞,亦即係話就算你無改到某部分嘅内容,儲存咗之後嗰樣都可能會有唔同。 [7][8]
- Templates with <templatestyles> could not show the difference between the live template and the sandbox version when they were tested. This has now been fixed. <templatestyles> has a new
parameter now. You can use it for selectors <wrapper parameter value> <selector from CSS page>
. [9]
- When you see an edit in the recent changes feed or in the history of a page some of them have tags. Some tags are added automatically. You can also add tags manually. Tags for edits that have been added manually can be edited. This didn't work for a little while. This has now been fixed. [10]
- You can move files from your wiki to Wikimedia Commons and keep the file history with the new FileExporter. It will be a beta feature on all wikis from 16 January. If you want to test it you activate it and check your wiki's configuration file.
- Users who could cause more damage to the wikis if someone took over their account have to have more secure passwords. This includes administrators and other user groups. They can't use passwords that are in a list of common passwords. Accounts with common passwords are easy to take over. The list of common passwords was made longer a few weeks ago and has a different error message. Some user groups have been added to those who can't use common passwords. This is to protect all accounts with user rights that could cause damage. [11]
- 2016年起唔建議再用嘅濫用過濾器變數
經已停用,唔會用得到。你可以喺Special:AbuseFilter度搵重用緊呢個變數嘅過濾器,兼且整返好佢哋。 - 測試wiki同埋mediawiki.org會喺1月15號升級做新版嘅MediaWiki。其它唔係維基百科嘅wiki同埋部份維基百科會喺1月16號升級。其餘wiki會喺1月17號升級(睇日曆)。
- 歡迎參加喺IRC上面舉行嘅技術建議會議。會議上面,義務開發人員可以索取建議。會議將會喺1月16號 16:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法喺度。
- In the future users can be blocked from editing a page or a namespace. What a "block" means will change. This means that you might have to update tools you maintain that handle blocks. [12]
2019年1月14號 (一) 17:55 (UTC)
FileExporter (搬舊相去維基同享)
[編輯]由今日開始,只要去「測試功能」開 FileExporter,就可以將自由圖直接掟去維基同享喇!
- 技術細節:mw:Help:Extension:FileImporter
- 粵維 FileExporter 設定版:mw:Extension:FileImporter/Data/zh-yue.wikipedia
- 本土化:去 TranslateWiki
--翹仔 (傾偈) 2019年1月16號 (三) 16:40 (UTC)
- 有問題嘅話請搵 User:Johanna Strodt (WMDE),唔該! (Bitte fragt Johanna, wenn ihr Probleme mit FileExporter habt :)) 翹仔 (傾偈) 2019年1月16號 (三) 16:42 (UTC)
- Please add your feedback to the central feedback page, so we don't overlook anything: See you there! :) -- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) (傾偈) 2019年1月17號 (四) 09:02 (UTC)
No editing for 30 minutes on 17 January
[編輯]2019年1月16號 (三) 18:55 (UTC)
- 受MassMessage嘅問題影響,有啲人收唔到上個禮拜嘅技術新聞。如果你收唔到上個禮拜嘅新聞,你可以去維基元度睇。 [13]
- 開咗個測試功能嘅用戶可以設定内容翻譯工具嘅第2版作為預設嘅版本。新版會加個追蹤類「
度搵到呢個類。 - https://mediawiki2latex-large.wmflabs.org而家可以一次過轉最多800頁去PDF、EPUB或者ODT。以前一次過淨係可以處理200頁。
- 用即見編輯器改模嘅時候,有時候會變成一行過,搞到其他用源碼編輯器嘅用戶睇得好唔舒服,亦都搞到睇兩個編輯中間嘅差異好難。呢個問題影響咗喺1月8號至17號期間嘅改動。呢個問題而家整返好咗。 [14]
- MassMessage is used to post a message to many pages. It has not been working reliably. Some messages have not been posted to everyone. [15][16]
- 因為有個要即刻整嘅數據庫問題,1月17號 (UTC)有幾分鐘喺絕大部分wiki度改唔到嘢。家下經已整返好。 [17]
- 你可以喺
namespace度用TemplateStyles。 [18] - 測試wiki同埋mediawiki.org會喺1月22號升級做新版嘅MediaWiki。其它唔係維基百科嘅wiki同埋部份維基百科會喺1月23號升級。其餘wiki會喺1月24號升級(睇日曆)。
- 歡迎參加喺IRC上面舉行嘅技術建議會議。會議上面,開發人員義工可以索取建議。會議將會喺1月23號 16:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法喺度。
2019年1月21號 (一) 20:33 (UTC)
- When someone moves a page to a name that already exists that page that had the name the article is moved to is deleted. For a couple of months this didn't always work. Some users saw an error message instead. This has now been fixed. [19]
- 今個禮拜無新MediaWiki版本。
- 歡迎參加喺IRC上面舉行嘅技術建議會議。會議上面,開發人員義工可以索取建議。會議將會喺1月30號 16:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法喺度。
2019年1月28號 (一) 18:15 (UTC)
[編輯]開篇文有「系列」兩字,都誤中黑名單項:「.*列表*」。--Ccviewtv (傾偈) 2019年2月2號 (六) 11:42 (UTC)
- 可唔可以用左邊個「電郵畀呢個用戶」send 段走火嘅源碼俾我跟進下?翹仔 (傾偈) 2019年2月3號 (日) 23:00 (UTC)
- 我可能表達得唔清楚,而家凡親標題有「系列」兩字嘅文都唔畀開,好容易試到:「系列」一開版已經話中黑名單(如果你個admin權override個黑名單,你可以登出試試),我估原意應該係唔畀開「列表」,唔知點解實際連「系列」都封埋。--Ccviewtv (傾偈) 2019年2月9號 (六) 10:55 (UTC)
- 唔該晒。我執返靚個 RegEx,而家應該可以有「系列」。[20] --翹仔 (傾偈) 2019年2月9號 (六) 14:05 (UTC)
- 我可能表達得唔清楚,而家凡親標題有「系列」兩字嘅文都唔畀開,好容易試到:「系列」一開版已經話中黑名單(如果你個admin權override個黑名單,你可以登出試試),我估原意應該係唔畀開「列表」,唔知點解實際連「系列」都封埋。--Ccviewtv (傾偈) 2019年2月9號 (六) 10:55 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
- It was easy to untick a box by accident in Special:Preferences. This will now be fixed. [21]
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 5 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 6 February. It will be on all wikis from 7 February (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 6 February at 16:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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2019年2月4號 (一) 17:12 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can use the
CSS class to show page issues to mobile readers. When you useambox
there are classes you can use.
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 12 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 13 February. It will be on all wikis from 14 February (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 13 February at 16:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2019年2月11號 (一) 18:46 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- When you thank someone on the mobile web you will now have two seconds to cancel the thank. This is in case you clicked on the thank button by accident. [22]
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 19 February. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 20 February. It will be on all wikis from 21 February (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 20 February at 16:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- There is a proposal to add a red link to mobile search results if there is no page with that name. This is how it works on desktop. You can leave feedback. [23]
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2019年2月18號 (一) 23:14 (UTC)
Talk to us about talking
[編輯]The Wikimedia Foundation is planning a global consultation about communication. The goal is to bring Wikimedians and wiki-minded people together to improve tools for communication.
We want all contributors to be able to talk to each other on the wikis, whatever their experience, their skills or their devices.
We are looking for input from as many different parts of the Wikimedia community as possible. It will come from multiple projects, in multiple languages, and with multiple perspectives.
We are currently planning the consultation. We need your help.
We need volunteers to help talk to their communities or user groups.
You can help by hosting a discussion at your wiki. Here's what to do:
- First, sign up your group here.
- Next, create a page (or a section on a Village pump, or an e-mail thread – whatever is natural for your group) to collect information from other people in your group. This is not a vote or decision-making discussion: we are just collecting feedback.
- Then ask people what they think about communication processes. We want to hear stories and other information about how people communicate with each other on and off wiki. Please consider asking these five questions:
- When you want to discuss a topic with your community, what tools work for you, and what problems block you?
- What about talk pages works for newcomers, and what blocks them?
- What do others struggle with in your community about talk pages?
- What do you wish you could do on talk pages, but can't due to the technical limitations?
- What are the important aspects of a "wiki discussion"?
- Finally, please go to Talk pages consultation 2019 on and report what you learned from your group. Please include links if the discussion is available to the public.
You can also help build the list of the many different ways people talk to each other.
Not all groups active on wikis or around wikis use the same way to discuss things: it can happen on wiki, on social networks, through external tools... Tell us how your group communicates.
You can read more about the overall process on If you have questions or ideas, you can leave feedback about the consultation process in the language you prefer.
Thank you! We're looking forward to talking with you.
Trizek (WMF) 2019年2月21號 (四) 15:01 (UTC)
- There is a new version of the iOS Wikipedia app. It has for example syntax highlighting and new toolbars to make it easier to write wikitext. It also has night mode, a find-on-page function and other things. You can give feedback and suggestions. [24]
- When you look at your watchlist or the recent changes page you can use the new filters for edit review. There you can choose tags to filter different edits. Empty tags will no longer be shown. [25]
- 測試wiki同埋mediawiki.org會喺2月26號升級做新版嘅MediaWiki。其它唔係維基百科嘅wiki同埋部份維基百科會喺2月27號升級。其餘wiki會喺2月28號升級(睇日曆)。
- 歡迎參加喺IRC上面舉行嘅技術建議會議。會議上面,開發人員義工可以索取建議。會議將會喺2月27號 16:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法喺度。
- The Wikipedia app for Android will invite users to add Wikidata descriptions to Wikidata objects that have Wikipedia articles but no Wikidata descriptions. It will only invite users who have added a number of Wikidata descriptions in the app without being reverted. This is to avoid spam and bad edits. You can read more and leave feedback.
2019年2月25號 (一) 21:17 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 5 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 6 March. It will be on all wikis from 7 March (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 6 March at 16:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- You can give feedback on the future of talk pages.
- The mobile website will use the standard fonts on your computer or phone instead of a generic font. This will make it easier to read text in many scripts. [26][27]
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2019年3月4號 (一) 16:38 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- Pages can use geocoordinates from Wikidata with the
Lua function or the#statements
parser function. If they do, they will now be shown using a Kartographer<maplink>
if the wiki can use Kartographer. You can report bugs or ask questions on Phabricator. - There is now an EventStream to see when links are added or removed on Wikimedia wikis. You can read the discussions and plans.
- Some wikis will not be able to edit for a short period of time on 19 March (UTC). This will start at 15:00 UTC. It will last up to 15 minutes but probably shorter. You can see the list of affected wikis. This is because of network maintenance. You can still read the wikis.
- Editors who use Firefox to edit with the visual editor had a problem with copying text. When they tried to select text that included footnotes, templates or block images in the middle they would often only get part of the text. This has now been fixed. [28]
- Some maps didn't work for a while on 8 March. This has been fixed. [29][30]
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 12 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 13 March. It will be on all wikis from 14 March (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 13 March at 16:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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2019年3月11號 (一) 19:29 (UTC)
- When you use rollback you will be able to get a confirmation prompt on most wikis. It asks you if you wanted to do the rollback. This is to avoid misclicks. You will have to opt in to get it. On German Wikipedia it will be an opt-out feature from 28 March. [31][32]
- 測試wiki同埋mediawiki.org會喺3月19號升級做新版嘅MediaWiki。其它唔係維基百科嘅wiki同埋部份維基百科會喺3月20號升級。其餘wiki會喺3月21號升級(睇日曆)。
- 歡迎參加喺IRC上面舉行嘅技術建議會議。會議上面,開發人員義工可以索取建議。會議將會喺3月20號 16:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法喺度。
- 管理員將會可以封鎖某個用戶,唔畀佢改某啲版或者係某個空間名。呢個功能已經可以喺幾個維基媒體wiki度用得。你可以喺度知多啲。如果你嘅wiki想幫手測試呢項功能,你可以話畀啲開發人員聽。 [33]
- Toolforge will shut down the Ubuntu Trusty job grid. This will happen the week of 25 March. Tools that use this grid needs to be moved to the new Debian Stretch job grid. If they haven't, they will be taken offline. Maintainers can restart the tools later. Users may not be able to use them in the meanwhile. You can see a list of affected tools.
2019年3月18號 (一) 19:44 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The new version of the content translation tool will be used for all new translations. The older version will still be used for translations that were started with it. Most users won’t see any change. More than 80% of the published translations are already using the new version. [34]
- There was a problem with editing with Safari on iOS. When you wrote an edit summary you couldn't save the edit. This has now been fixed. [35]
- The editing toolbar sometimes disappears when you scroll on iOS devices. This will be fixed soon. [36]
- Wikis can over-ride interface messages on-wiki. A problem meant that sometimes an old versions of any changed messages were shown instead. This included the sitenotice and other important parts of the interface. This was fixed at around 2019-03-22 16:00 (UTC). Logged-out users may still get the wrong message. Purging the page should fix it for them. [37]
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 26 March. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 27 March. It will be on all wikis from 28 March (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 27 March at 16:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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2019年3月25號 (一) 18:05 (UTC)
[編輯]一鍵反轉 (rollback) 而家多咗個喜好設定,可以變成二鍵反轉,想開嘅話請去 Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-rendering 揀呢個選項。呢個選擇出現嘅原因,係德文維基百科唔少管理員投訴「反轉」擺喺「多謝」隔籬,好易撳錯掣。(meta:WMDE Technical Wishes/Rollback/Feedback round) 翹仔 (傾偈) 2019年4月1號 (一) 11:04 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
- Notifications tell you about things that happen on the wiki. You can turn on notifications about new links to pages you created. For performance reasons you can no longer get e-mails about this. [38]
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 2 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 3 April. It will be on all wikis from 4 April (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 3 April at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Tech news prepared by Tech News writers and posted by bot • Contribute • Translate • Get help • Give feedback • Subscribe or unsubscribe.
2019年4月1號 (一) 16:29 (UTC)
- 有座標,係咪可以自動顯示呢?咁就唔使特登搞。
- 有連去圖片分類,咁會自動掛模去分類。
- 自動生物分類又係咪可行呢?
呢啲嘢爭議較少,又唔使再浪費人力。若果得嘅話,無論寫文定協作,大家都做得有效好多。HenryLi (傾偈) 2019年4月7號 (日) 02:21 (UTC)
- 座標有關嘅應該用{{#property:Pnnn}}就得,可以睇返我之前開過嘅309咤叱系列文章做參攷。 Shinjiman ⇔ ♨ 2019年4月8號 (一) 03:28 (UTC)
@HenryLi、Shinjiman: {{coord}}、{{Commonscat}}、{{維基數據人物明細}}、{{電影資料盒}}、{{英格蘭政區明細}}等等已經有自動攞維基數據嘅功能。翹仔 (傾偈) 2019年8月29號 (四) 15:53 (UTC)
[編輯]中文維基嗰邊唔知點解好興用「<center><center>」去置中,但呢種語法係錯嘅,皆因無咗end tag(</center>),會觸發Special:LintErrors/missing-end-tag(雖然有大把未清理,不過最好盡量避免增加落去)。有啲人參考中文維基寫文,就好易將錯誤帶埋過嚟,要人執手尾。為免中文維基嘅歪風入侵,建議響過濾器加條規則,阻止用戶加入「<center><center>」。--Kowlooner (傾偈) 2019年4月7號 (日) 15:35 (UTC)
- 加咗入去31號過濾器度,暫時針對住<center>標籤應對,只做警告提醒,睇吓仲有冇其它有關嘅標籤。如果情況未有改善嘅話,可以再收緊佢唔俾保存。 Shinjiman ⇔ ♨ 2019年4月8號 (一) 01:47 (UTC)
Read-only mode for up to 30 minutes on 11 April
[編輯]2019年4月8號 (一) 10:57 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- More wikis are now testing visual editor section editing for mobile users. You can read more.
- Admins on French and Polish Wikipedia can block someone from editing a page or a namespace. If your wiki wants to get these blocks before they are available to all wikis, you can tell the developers. [39][40]
- You will be able read but not edit most wikis for 30 minutes on 11 April at 05:00 (UTC). This is because of a hardware problem. You can see a list of the affected wikis. [41]
- A map update caused some problems on 29 March and 30 March. It was rolled back. [42]
- Pages on some Wikivoyages had problems with the top headline. This has been fixed. [43]
Changes later this week
- When you add an edit summary the VisualEditor will search your recent edit summaries in case you want to re-use one. This works in both the visual and wikitext modes on desktop. It also works on the mobile site. [44]
- The Wikimedia wikis will get a URL shortener. This will work from 11 April. You can read more. [45]
- The
magic word will no longer work. This is for performance reasons. When you preview a page it will return""
(empty string). When you read a page it will return"-"
(dash). For now this will only affect content namespaces. [46] - The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 9 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 10 April. It will be on all wikis from 11 April (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 10 April at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- You will be able to preview references. This means that when you hover over the link you will get a popup that shows you a preview of the reference. It will work much like page previews. This is so you don't have to go to the bottom of the page to see a reference. This will now be available as a beta feature on German and Arabic Wikipedia. [47][48]
- The Wikidata JSON output will change. Empty containers will be serialised as empty objects. This is a breaking change that will affect tools that use JSON outputs and APIs. It will happen on 30 April. You can read more and see how to test your code.
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2019年4月8號 (一) 18:24 (UTC)
Wikimedia Foundation Medium-Term Plan feedback request
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- All wikis now have the TemplateWizard for the wikitext editor.
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 16 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 17 April. It will be on all wikis from 18 April (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 17 April at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- Wikidata will get a new constraint status called
. This will change how theWikibaseQualityConstraints
constraint checking API works. [49][50] - You can test the
property for structured data on Commons.
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2019年4月15號 (一) 23:00 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The advanced search function URL now shows which namespaces you search in. The namespace field is collapsed by default on the search page. You can also add new fields to the search interface through a hook. [51][52][53]
- The wikis now look slightly different in the mobile web version. [54]
Changes later this week
- There is no new MediaWiki version this week.
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 23 April at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- Wikipedia articles will have the
meta property. It adds structured data. This makes it easier for search engines to find Wikipedia articles. It also makes it easier to reuse content. There will an A/B test. [55][56]
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2019年4月23號 (二) 19:08 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The Wikipedia app for Android now invites users to add Wikidata descriptions to Wikidata objects that have Wikipedia articles but no Wikidata descriptions. It will only invite users who have added a number of Wikidata descriptions in the app without being reverted. This is to avoid spam and bad edits. [57][58]
- Tech News was late last week because of a MassMessage bug. Other newsletters had the same problem. [59]
Changes later this week
- You will see when you last refreshed the recent changes page. This is so you can see how recent the changes are. [60]
- When you write a comment in Structured Discussions but have not posted it yet your web browser will save it in
local storage
instead ofsession storage
. This means you do not lose them even if you close your web browser. Structured Discussions used to be called Flow. [61] - You will be able to turn off milestone notifications. Milestone notifications congratulate you when you have made certain numbers of edits. [62]
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 30 April. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 1 May. It will be on all wikis from 2 May (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 1 May at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- The Wikidata
table will be dropped. This will affect some Wikidata tools. They need to be updated. The table has become too big which is causing problems. This will happen on 29 May. You can read more. You can ask for help if you need it. - Wikimedia wikis will soon use a token when you log out. This changes how the API works. Some tools might need to be updated. [63]
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2019年4月29號 (一) 22:28 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- Special:Watchlist can show the wrong information. It does not always show which edits are read and which are unread. The developers are working on solving the problem. [64]
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 7 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 8 May. It will be on all wikis from 9 May (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 8 May at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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2019年5月6號 (一) 16:28 (UTC)
Multilingual Shared Templates and Modules
[編輯]I recently organized a project to share templates and modules between wikis. It allows modules and templates to be “language-neutral”, and store all text translations on Commons. This means that it is enough to copy/paste a template without any changes, and update the translations separately. If someone fixes a bug or adds a new feature in the original module, you can copy/paste it again without any translation work. My bot DiBabelYurikBot can help with copying. This way users can spend more time on content, and less time on updating and copying templates. Please see project page for details and ask questions on talk page.
P.S. I am currently running for the Wikimedia board, focusing on content and support of multi-language communities. If you liked my projects like maps, graphs, or this one, I will be happy to receive your support. (any registered user group can vote). Thank you! --Yurik (🗨️) 2019年5月11號 (六) 07:49 (UTC)Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 14 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 15 May. It will be on all wikis from 16 May (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 15 May at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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2019年5月14號 (二) 00:49 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- The report for phase 1 of the talk pages consultation 2019 has been published. Communities are invited to start phase 2 of the consultation on their wikis.
- File descriptions for files from Commons were not shown properly on other Wikimedia wikis for a few days. For example the image descriptions and license information were missing. This has now been fixed. [65][66]
- Some diffs show an error message when you try to see them. The developers are working on fixing it. It could be because of some edit comments. [67][68]
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 21 五月. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 22 五月. It will be on all wikis from 23 五月 (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 22 五月 at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- The content translation tool on Wikipedia can use machine translations. There is a system to stop translations where the editors do not fix machine translation mistakes. This warns or stops them if they seem to just copy what the machine translation gives them. If this system is too strict or not strict enough you can tell the language team. [69]
- The Wikidata
API endpoint will remove all aliases if the request includes an empty alias. This is how it supposed to work. It has not been working this way because of a bug. This will start on 12 June. [70]
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2019年5月20號 (一) 13:04 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Changes later this week
- Big changes to the replica database will happen on 3 June. Some tools on Cloud Services will stop working if the maintainers do not update them to use the new schema. This probably affects tools that query for revisions or log entries made by a user. [71][72]
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 28 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 29 May. It will be on all wikis from 30 May (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 29 May at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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2019年5月27號 (一) 15:34 (UTC)
Mobile visual editor test
Hello all,
The mw:Editing team has been improving the mw:Mobile visual editor. They would like to test it here. The purpose of the test is to learn which editor is better for new contributors. This is a great opportunity for your wiki to learn the same. This is an easy test that requires no work from you. You can read more about it at mw:VisualEditor on mobile/VE mobile default.
What? The test compares the mobile visual editor and the mobile wikitext editor, for newer registered editors (<100 edits).
Who? Half the people who edit from the mobile site will start in the mobile visual editor. The other half will start in the mobile wikitext editor. Remember: Most editors are not using the mobile site and will not be affected by this test. Also, users can switch at any time, and their changes will be automatically remembered and respected. If you have already tried the mobile visual editor, your preference is already recorded and will be respected.
When? The test will start soon, during June. The test will take about six weeks. (Then it will take a few weeks to write the report.)
Why? This test will help the team recommend initial preference settings. It will help them learn whether different wikis should have different settings.
How can I switch? It's easy to switch editing environments on the mobile site.
- Go to the mobile site, e.g., or
- Open any page to edit (click the pencil icon).
- Click the new pencil icon to switch editing modes.
- Choose either "即見編輯" or "源碼編輯" from the menu.
- Done! You can do the same thing to switch back at any time.
If you have any questions, please leave a note at mw:Talk:VisualEditor on mobile/VE mobile default. Thank you! Whatamidoing (WMF) (傾偈) 2019年5月31號 (五) 22:19 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
Recent changes
- You can now write all special letters in all African Wikipedia languages. This works in the desktop version. [73]
- There is now a field called
on Commons. This is a way to show what is in a picture with the help of Wikidata. It is still in development. [74] - Some tools on Toolforge may break on or after 3 June because of database changes. Maintainers should update their tools to use the new schema. [75][76]
- You will be able to read but not to edit Wikimedia Commons for 30 minutes on 19 June at 05:00 (UTC). This is to fix a hardware problem. [77]
Changes later this week
- Some wikis have one tab for the visual editor and one tab for a wikitext editor. Others wikis just have one tab. If your wiki has two tabs, clicking a link to create a new page has always opened a wikitext editor. It will now open the editor you used the last time you edited. [78]
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 4 May. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 5 May. It will be on all wikis from 6 May (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 5 May at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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2019年6月3號 (一) 15:24 (UTC)
- When you create a PDF from a page on the wiki this is now done by Proton. Before this we used Electron. It should look the same but work better. Both use Chromium. This is a different system from when you collect several articles into a book and make a PDF from them. [79][80]
- The Flagged Revisions extension now uses the standard OOUI icons. There will be additional minor fixes for positioning in the next deployment. [81]
- 機械人同其他自動工具若果唔設定一個可以識別嘅User-Agent(用戶代理)嘅話,喺設定返啱之前可能會受嚴格嘅速率限制。 [82]
- Please check if the Flagged Revisions configuration on your wiki is as you expect (or as it was a few weeks ago). If not, please report it. [83]
- 今個禮拜無新MediaWiki版本。
- 歡迎參加喺IRC上面舉行嘅技術建議會議。會議上面,開發人員義工可以索取建議。會議將會喺6月12號 15:00 (UTC)舉行。參加辦法喺度。
2019年6月10號 (一) 17:06 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- You will be able to read but not to edit Wikimedia Commons for 30 minutes on 19 June at 05:00 (UTC). This is to fix a hardware problem. [84]
Changes later this week
- MIDI files can soon be played without the Score extension. You can then add them with
. Lateroverride_midi
will stop working. Instead you will need to add the MIDI file below the music score. [85] - A new video player will soon replace the old one. You will be able to enable it as a beta feature in your preferences. It will later be enabled for everyone if there are no big problems. [86]
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 18 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 19 June. It will be on all wikis from 20 June (calendar).
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 19 June at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
Future changes
- Some gadgets and user scripts still use the old
values. These values are always true. They will soon be removed. This might break the gadgets and scripts. You should fix your gadgets to not use these values. [87]
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2019年6月17號 (一) 20:38 (UTC)
Wikidata Bridge: edit Wikidata’s data from Wikipedia infoboxes
[編輯]Sorry for writing this message in English - feel free to help us translating it :)
Hello all,
Many language versions of Wikipedia use the content of Wikidata, the centralized knowledge base, to fill out the content of infoboxes. The data is stored in Wikidata and displayed, partially or completely, in the Wikipedia’s language, on the articles. This feature is used by many template editors, but brought several issues that were raised by communities in various places: not being able to edit the data directly from Wikipedia was one of them.
This is the reason why the Wikidata Bridge project started, with the goal of offering a way to Wikipedia editors to edit Wikidata’s data more easily. This will be achieved by an interface, connected to the infobox, that users can access directly from their local wiki.
The project is now at an early stage of development. A lot of user research has been done, and will continue to be done through the different phases of the project. The next steps of development will be achieved by the development team working at Wikimedia Deutschland, starting now until the end of 2019.
In order to make sure that we’re building a tool that is answering editors’ needs, we’re using agile methods in our development process. We don’t start with a fixed idea of the tool we want to deliver: we will build it together with the editors, based on feedback loops that we will regularly organize. The first version will not necessarily have all of the features you want, but it will keep evolving.
Here’s the planned timeline:
- From June to August, we will build the setup and technical groundwork.
- From September to November 2019, we will develop the first version of the feature and publish a test system so you can try it and give feedback.
- Later on, we will test the feature on a few projects, in collaboration with the communities.
- We will first focus on early adopters communities who already implemented a shortcut from their infoboxes to edit Wikidata (for example Russian, Catalan, Basque Wikipedias)
- but we also welcome also communities who volunteer to be part of the first test round.
- Then we will reach some of the big Wikipedias (French, German, English) in order to see if the project scales and to address their potentially different needs.
- Even later, we can consider enabling the feature on all the other projects.
In any case, no deployment or big change will be enforced on the projects without talking to the communities first, and helping the template builders to prepare for the changes they will have to do on the infoboxes’ code.
If you want to get involved, there are several ways to help:
- Read and help translating the documentation pages
- Follow the updates and participate in the first feedback loop
- Talk about it with your local community
More ideas will be added on this page along the way
If you have any questions for the development team, feel free to ask them on the main talk page. You can also ask under this message, but if you expect an answer from me, please make sure to ping me.
Thanks for your attention, Lea Lacroix (WMDE) 2019年6月24號 (一) 13:03 (UTC)
Latest tech news from the Wikimedia technical community. Please tell other users about these changes. Not all changes will affect you. Translations are available.
- The new version of MediaWiki for last week was not fully released due to issues. It was removed from most wikis on Tuesday and from test wikis on Thursday. [88]
- Most wikis were slow and then briefly read-only last week due to one of the database servers having a problem. It is now replaced. [89]
Changes later this week
- The new version of MediaWiki will be on test wikis and from 25 June. It will be on non-Wikipedia wikis and some Wikipedias from 26 June. It will be on all wikis from 27 June (calendar).
- You can watch or join the next Wikimedia Language showcase. It will be about the usage of Machine Translation in Wikimedia projects. The showcase will be on 26 June at 13:00 (UTC). A recording will be kept for later viewing
- You can join the technical advice meeting on IRC. During the meeting, volunteer developers can ask for advice. The meeting will be on 26 June at 15:00 (UTC). See how to join.
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2019年6月24號 (一) 17:30 (UTC)