| ||||||
外觀 | ||||||
{{{appearance}}} | ||||||
概況 | ||||||
名 / 符號 / 序數 | {{{name}}}, {{{symbol}}}, {{{number}}} | |||||
族 / 週期 / 區 | [[{{{group}}}族元素|{{{group}}}]], [[{{{period}}}週期元素|{{{period}}}]], [[{{{block}}}區元素|{{{block}}}]] | |||||
原子品質 | {{{atomic mass}}} g•mol−1 | |||||
電子排布 | {{{electron configuration}}} | |||||
每層電子排布 | {{{electrons per shell}}}([[:file:Electron shell {{{number}}} {{{enname}}}.svg|圖]]) | |||||
物理性質 | ||||||
原子性質 | ||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
外觀 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
無色氣體 等離子態嘅氫發出嘅紫色光 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
概況 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
名 / 符號 / 序數 | 氫, H, 1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
元素類別 | 非金屬 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
族 / 週期 / 區 | 1, 1, s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
原子品質 | 1.00794(7) g•mol−1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
電子排布 | 1s1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
每層電子排布 | 1(圖) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
物理性質 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
色水 | 無色 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
狀態 | 氣體 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
密度 | (0 °C, 101.325 kPa) 0.08988 g/L | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
熔點 | 14.01 K, -259.14 °C, -434.45 °F | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
沸點 | 20.28 K, -252.87 °C, -423.17 °F | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
三相點 | 13.8033 K (-259°C), 7.042 kPa | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
臨界點 | 32.97 K, 1.293 MPa | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
熔化熱 | (H2) 0.117 kJ•mol−1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
汽化熱 | (H2) 0.904 kJ•mol−1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
比熱容 | (25 °C) (H2) 28.836 J•mol−1•K−1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
蒸汽壓 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
原子性質 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
氧化態 | 1, -1 (兩性) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
電負性 | 2.20 (鮑林標度) | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
電離能 | 第一: 1312.0 kJ•mol−1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
共價半徑 | 31±5 pm | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
范德華半徑 | 120 pm | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
雜項 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
晶體結構 | 六方晶系 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
磁序 | 抗磁性 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
熱導率 | (300 K) 0.1805 W•m−1•K−1 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
聲速 | (gas, 27 °C) 1310 m/s | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
CAS號 | 1333-74-0 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
最穩定同位素 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
主文:氫嘅同位素 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||
| |||||||||||||||||||||||||
{{Elementbox |name= |enname= |number= |symbol= |left= |right= |above= |below= |series= |series comment= |group= |period= |block= |series color= |phase color= |appearance= |image name= |image size= |image name comment= |image name 2= |image size 2= |image name 2 comment= |atomic mass= |atomic mass 2=2 |atomic mass comment= |electron configuration= |electrons per shell= |color= |phase= |phase comment= |density gplstp= |density gpcm3nrt= |density gpcm3nrt 2= |desnity gpcm3nrt 3= |density gpcm3mp= |melting point K= |melting point C= |melting point F= |melting point pressure= |sublimation point K= |sublimation point C= |sublimation point F= |sublimation point pressure= |boiling point K= |boiling point C= |boiling point F= |boiling point pressure= |triple point K= |triple point kPa= |triple point K 2= |triple point kPa 2= |critical point K= |critical point MPa= |heat fusion= |heat fusion 2= |heat fusion pressure= |heat vaporization= |heat vaporization pressure= |heat capacity= |heat capacity pressure= |vapor pressure 1= |vapor pressure 10= |vapor pressure 100= |vapor pressure 1 k= |vapor pressure 10 k= |vapor pressure 100 k= |vapor pressure comment= |crystal structure= |oxidation states= |oxidation states comment= |electronegativity= |number of ionization energies= |1st ionization energy= |2nd ionization energy= |3rd ionization energy= |4th ionization energy= |atomic radius= |atomic radius calculated= |covalent radius= |Van der Waals radius= |magnetic ordering= |electrical resistivity= |electrical resistivity at 0= |electrical resistivity at 20= |thermal conductivity= |thermal conductivity 2= |thermal diffusivity= |thermal expansion= |thermal expansion at 25= |speed of sound= |speed of sound rod at 20= |speed of sound rod at r.t.= |Tensile strength= |Young's modulus= |Shear modulus= |Bulk modulus= |Poisson ratio= |Mohs hardness= |Vickers hardness= |Brinell hardness= |CAS number= |isotopes= }}
[編輯]- name:元素嘅名
- enname:元素嘅英文名
- number:原子序數
- symbol:元素符號
- left:元素週期表左邊嘅相鄰元素,冇就填“-”
- right:元素週期表右邊嘅相鄰元素,冇就填“-”
- above:元素週期表上邊嘅相鄰元素,冇就填“-”
- below:元素週期表下邊嘅相鄰元素,冇就填“-”
- series: 元素嘅類型,可以揀「鹼金屬」、「鹼土金屬」、「鑭系元素」、「錒系元素」、「過渡金屬」或「過渡元素」、「其他金屬」、「類金屬」、「非金屬」、「鹵素」或「鹵族元素」、「惰性氣體」或「稀有氣體」。呢個欄位決定咗Elementbox/header隻色
- series comment=
- group=
- period=
- block=
- series color=
- phase color=
- appearance= 元素嘅外觀,例如「無色氣體」(氫)
- image name=
- image size=
- image name comment=
- image name 2=
- image size 2=
- image name 2 comment=
- atomic mass=
- atomic mass 2=2
- atomic mass comment=
- electron configuration=
- electrons per shell=
- color=
- phase=
- phase comment=
- density gplstp=
- density gpcm3nrt=
- density gpcm3nrt 2=
- desnity gpcm3nrt 3=
- density gpcm3mp=
- melting point K=
- melting point C=
- melting point F=
- melting point pressure=
- sublimation point K=
- sublimation point C=
- sublimation point F=
- sublimation point pressure=
- boiling point K=
- boiling point C=
- boiling point F=
- boiling point pressure=
- triple point K= 三相點
- triple point kPa=
- triple point K 2=
- triple point kPa 2=
- critical point K=
- critical point MPa=
- heat fusion=
- heat fusion 2=
- heat fusion pressure=
- heat vaporization=
- heat vaporization pressure=
- heat capacity=
- heat capacity pressure=
- vapor pressure 1=
- vapor pressure 10=
- vapor pressure 100=
- vapor pressure 1 k=
- vapor pressure 10 k=
- vapor pressure 100 k=
- vapor pressure comment=
- crystal structure=
- oxidation states=
- oxidation states comment=
- electronegativity=
- number of ionization energies=
- 1st ionization energy=
- 2nd ionization energy=
- 3rd ionization energy=
- 4th ionization energy=
- atomic radius=
- atomic radius calculated=
- covalent radius=
- Van der Waals radius=
- magnetic ordering=
- electrical resistivity=
- electrical resistivity at 0=
- electrical resistivity at 20=
- thermal conductivity=
- thermal conductivity 2=
- thermal diffusivity=
- thermal expansion=
- thermal expansion at 25=
- speed of sound=
- speed of sound rod at 20=
- speed of sound rod at r.t.=
- Tensile strength=
- Young's modulus=
- Shear modulus=
- Bulk modulus=
- Poisson ratio=
- Mohs hardness=
- Vickers hardness=
- Brinell hardness=
- CAS number=
- isotopes:同位素特性 用{{Elementbox_isotopes_stable}}同埋{{Elementbox_isotopes_decay}}
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