


施氏詞表英文Swadesh list)係由美國語言學家施華迪(Morris Swadesh)研究出嚟,每種語言最基本嘅207個



Morris Swadesh 做過幾個版本嘅詞彙表。佢一開始整咗個有215個詞義嘅表,但因為打錯字,喺篇文章度寫錯做225個詞義。[1][2]





其他人都出過唔同嘅詞彙測試列表,例如Robert Lees(1953年)、John A. Rea(1958年:145頁後)、Dell Hymes(1960年:6頁)、E. Cross(1964年,有241個概念)、W. J. Samarin(1967年:220頁後)、D. Wilson(1969年,有57個詞義)、Lionel Bender(1969年)、R. L. Oswald(1971年)、Winfred P. Lehmann(1984年:35頁後)、D. Ringe(1992年,斷斷續續,唔同版本)、Sergei Starostin(1984年,斷斷續續,唔同版本)、William S-Y. Wang(1994年)、M. Lohr(2000年,有18種語言嘅128個詞義)、B. Kessler(2002年),等等。


網上最常用同最易搵到嘅版本係Isidore Dyen(1992年,有95種語言變體嘅200個詞義)。自2010年起,Michael Dunn領導嘅團隊一直致力更新同改進呢個列表。[8]


編號 英文 粵文 粵拼
1 I ngo5
2 you (singular) nei5
3 he keoi5
4 we 我哋 ngo5 dei6
5 you (plural) 你哋 nei5 dei6
6 they 佢哋 keoi5 dei6
7 this ni1
8 that go2
9 here 呢度、呢處 ni1 dou6、ni1 syu3
10 there 嗰度、嗰處 go2 dou6、go2 syu3
11 who 邊個、邊位 bin1 go3、bin1 wai2
12 what 乜、咩 mat1、me1
13 where 邊度、邊處 bin1 dou6、bin1 syu3
14 when 幾時 gei2 si4
15 how 點樣 dim2 joeng2
16 not 唔係、冇 m4 hai6、mou5
17 all 全部、都 cyun4 bou6、dou1
18 many do1
19 some di1
20 few siu2
21 other 第啲、其他 dai6 di1、kei4 taa1
22 one jat1
23 two ji6
24 three saam1
25 four sei3
26 five ng5
27 big daai6
28 long coeng4
29 wide fut3
30 thick hau5
31 heavy cung5
32 small 細、小 sai3、siu2
33 short dyun2
34 narrow zaak3
35 thin bok6
36 woman neoi5
37 man (adult male) naam4
38 man (human being) jan4
39 child 細路 sai3 lou6
40 wife 老婆 lou5 po4
41 husband 老公 lou5 gung1
42 mother 阿媽 aa3 maa1
43 father 阿爸 aa3 baa4
44 animal 動物 dung6 mat6
45 fish jyu2
46 bird zoek3
47 dog gau2
48 louse sat1
49 snake se4
50 worm cung4
51 tree syu6
52 forest 森林 sam1 lam4
53 stick zi1
54 fruit 生果 saang1 gwo2
55 seed 種子 zung2 zi2
56 leaf jip6
57 root gan1
58 bark (of a tree) 樹皮 syu6 pei4
59 flower faa1
60 grass cou2
61 rope sing2
62 skin pei4
63 meat juk6
64 blood hyut3
65 bone gwat1
66 fat (noun) fei4
67 egg daan2
68 horn gok3
69 tail mei5
70 feather 羽毛 jyu5 mou4
71 hair faat3、mou4
72 head tau4
73 ear 耳仔 ji5 zai2
74 eye ngaan5
75 nose bei6
76 mouth zeoi2、hau2
77 tooth ngaa4
78 tongue (organ) lei6
79 fingernail 指甲 zi2 gaap3
80 foot goek3
81 leg bei2
82 knee 膝頭 sat1 tau4
83 hand sau2
84 wing jik6
85 belly tou5
86 guts 內臟 noi6 zong6
87 neck geng2
88 back 背脊 bui3 zek3
89 breast hung1
90 heart sam1
91 liver gon1
92 to drink jam2
93 to eat sik6
94 to bite ngaau5
95 to suck kap1、zyut3
96 to spit 𦧲 loe1、tou3
97 to vomit au2
98 to blow ceoi1
99 to breathe 唞氣呼吸 tau2 hei3 、fu1 kap1
100 to laugh siu3
101 to see tai2、gin3
102 to hear teng1
103 to know zi1
104 to think nam2
105 to smell man4
106 to fear 驚、怕 geng1、paa3
107 to sleep 瞓覺 fan3 gaau3
108 to live saang1
109 to die sei2
110 to kill saat3
111 to fight zaang1
112 to hunt 打獵 daa2 lip6
113 to hit daa2
114 to cut 切、剪 cit3、zin2
115 to split 劈開 pek3 hoi1
116 to stab caap3
117 to scratch gwaat3
118 to dig gwat6
119 to swim 游水 jau4 seoi2
120 to fly fei1
121 to walk haang4
122 to come lai4
123 to lie (as in a bed) 瞓低 fan3 dai1
124 to sit co5
125 to stand kei5
126 to turn (intransitive) zyun3
127 to fall dit3
128 to give bei2
129 to hold zaa1
130 to squeeze 挾、榨 gep6、zaa1
131 to rub caat3
132 to wash sai2
133 to wipe maat3
134 to pull 拉、掹 laai1、maan1
135 to push 推、擁 teoi1、ung2
136 to throw 抌、掉 dam2、deu6
137 to tie bong2
138 to sew 聯、縫 lyun4、fung4
139 to count sou2
140 to say gong2
141 to sing coeng3
142 to play waan2
143 to float fau4
144 to flow lau4
145 to freeze 結冰 git3 bing1
146 to swell zoeng3
147 sun 太陽 taai3 joeng4、jat6
148 moon 月亮月光 jyut6 loeng6、jyut6 gwong1
149 star sing1
150 water seoi2
151 rain jyu5
152 river gong1、ho4
153 lake wu4
154 sea hoi2
155 salt jim4
156 stone sek6
157 sand saa1
158 dust can4
159 earth dei6
160 cloud wan4
161 fog mou6
162 sky tin1
163 wind fung1
164 snow syut3
165 ice bing1
166 smoke jin1
167 fire fo2
168 ash fui1
169 to burn siu1
170 road lou6、dou6
171 mountain saan1
172 red hung4
173 green luk6
174 yellow wong4
175 white baak6
176 black hak1
177 night 夜晚 je6 maan5
178 day 日頭 jat6 tau2
179 year nin4
180 warm nyun5
181 cold dung3
182 full 滿 mun5
183 new san1
184 old gau6
185 good hou2
186 bad 壞、衰 waai6、seoi1
187 rotten laan6
188 dirty 污糟 wu1 zou1
189 straight zik6
190 round jyun4
191 sharp (as a knife) lei6
192 dull (as a knife) gwat6
193 smooth waat6
194 wet sap1
195 dry gon1
196 correct ngaam1
197 near kan5
198 far jyun5
199 right jau6
200 left zo2
201 at hai2
202 in 裏面、入面 leoi3 min6、jap6 min6
203 with tung4
204 and 同埋 tung4 maai4
205 if 如果、若果 jyu4 gwo2、joek6 gwo2
206 because 因為、皆因 jan1 wai6、gaai1 jan1
207 name meng2

  1. Swadesh 1950: 161
  2. List, J.-M. (2018): Towards a history of concept list compilation in historical linguistics. History and Philosophy of the Language Sciences 5.10. URL
  3. Swadesh 1952: 456–7 PDF 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2023年6月4號,.
  4. Swadesh 1955: 125
  5. Swadesh 1971: 283
  6. Concepticon. DOI:10.5281/zenodo.19782
  7. List, J.-M., M. Cysouw, and R. Forkel (2016): Concepticon. A resource for the linking of concept lists. In: Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation. 2393-2400. PDF
  8. "IELex :: IELex". GitHub. March 2022.