物種 | 全身神經細胞數量 | 描述 |
秀麗隱桿綫蟲 (C. elegans) |
一種行為極之簡單嘅動物;每一條蟲有嘅神經細胞數量同神經細胞之間嘅聯繫都一模一樣,所以神經科學家好興攞佢哋嚟做啲簡單嘅研究[4]。 | |
白蚱 (Cnidaria) |
冇腦,能夠對外界刺激俾反應,但冇乜智能可言[6]。 | |
黑腹果蠅 (Drosophila melanogaster) |
經已有相當複雜嘅行為;除咗基本嘅維生能力之外,黑腹果蠅公出咗名喺向啲乸求偶嗰陣會進行快速嘅學習,按求偶對象嘅反應調整自己嘅行為[7][8]。 | |
蜜蜂 (Apis) |
具有高度嘅社會性,曉用語言向同伴傳達相當複雜嘅資訊,採蜜嗰時能夠將花嘅位置記住超過一個禮拜,仲識得建築大過自己身體好多嘅結構[9]。 | |
八爪魚 (Octopoda) |
係非人類嘅動物當中首屈一指咁聰明嘅;八爪魚具有長期記憶能力、識得學習、曉運用工具[11],喺水族館入面出咗名成日會用各種方法逃走,搞到水族館工作人員好頭痛[12]。 | |
貓 (Felis silvestris catus) |
有複雜嘅行為,有長期記憶能力、識得學習,仲能夠學做各種嘅指令[14]。 | |
人類 (Homo Sapien) |
能夠建立文明。 |
[編輯]- ↑ Milner, A. D. (1998). Introduction: Comparative Neuropsychology. Chicago: Oxford University Press.
- ↑ Herculano-Houzel, S. (2009). The human brain in numbers: a linearly scaled-up primate brain. Frontiers in human neuroscience, 3, 31.
- ↑ Williams RW, Herrup K (1988). "The control of neuron number". Annual Review of Neuroscience. 11 (1): 423–53.
- ↑ Sengupta, P., & Samuel, A. D. (2009). Caenorhabditis elegans: a model system for systems neuroscience. Current opinion in neurobiology, 19(6), 637-643.
- ↑ Bode, H.; Berking, S.; David, C. N.; Gierer, A.; Schaller, H.; Trenkner, E. (1973). "Quantitative analysis of cell types during growth and morphogenesis in Hydra". Wilhelm Roux Archiv für Entwicklungsmechanik der Organismen. 171 (4): 269–285.
- ↑ Brainless jellyfish smarter than you might think. LIVESCIENCE.COM.
- ↑ Kamikouchi, A., Shimada, T., & Ito, K. E. I. (2006). Comprehensive classification of the auditory sensory projections in the brain of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster. Journal of Comparative Neurology, 499(3), 317-356.
- ↑ Dukas R (2004). "Male fruit flies learn to avoid interspecific courtship". Behavioral Ecology. 15 (4): 695–698.
- ↑ The Remarkable Bee Brain.
- ↑ Chudler, Eric H. "Brain Facts and Figures". Neuroscience for Kids.
- ↑ Finn, J. K.; Tregenza, T.; Norman, M. D. (2009). "Defensive tool use in a coconut-carrying octopus". Current Biology. 19 (23): R1069–70.
- ↑ Mather, J. A., & Anderson, R. C. (2000). Octopuses are smart suckers. The cephalopod page. Retrieved June, 15, 2001.
- ↑ Jardim-Messeder, Débora; Lambert, Kelly; Noctor, Stephen; Pestana, Fernanda M.; Leal, de Castro; E, Maria; Bertelsen, Mads F.; Alagaili, Abdulaziz N.; Mohammad, Osama B. (2017). "Dogs Have the Most Neurons, Though Not the Largest Brain: Trade-Off between Body Mass and Number of Neurons in the Cerebral Cortex of Large Carnivoran Species". Frontiers in Neuroanatomy. 11: 118.
- ↑ How Smart Is Your Cat?.