


印象派粵拼jan3 zoeng6 paai1法文Impressionnisme)係19世紀法國畫界開展嘅一場藝術運動




  • 用幼細、但明顯睇得到嘅筆觸;
  • 構圖開放,放寬咗「主題」同「背景」之間嘅界線;
  • 平凡嘅題材,興畫日常生活嘅景象,相對於傳統歐洲畫藝偏好以歷史大事或者聖經故仔等「宏大」嘅嘢做題材;
  • 異常嘅視角;
  • 以物件嘅郁動作為人類感知嘅重要部份,好多時會用濛濛地嘅圖像代表物件嘅郁動-畫家嘗試捕捉望到物件嗰一剎那所見到嘅影像(「印象」);
  • 強調準確噉描繪嘅變化-印象派畫家受到當時物理學光學知識嘅演進影響,反對當時歐洲畫家淨係喺室內畫畫嘅傳統,會走去室外畫畫,嘗試了解喺自然光下嘅物件嘅色水應該係點嘅。

以法國畫家莫奈喺 1874 年畫嘅油畫日出印象》(法文:Impression, soleil levant)為例,日出印象廣泛噉俾人認同係印象派嘅代表作,呢幅畫題材好平凡,描繪一個日出景象,畫一個室外見到嘅景,而且畫中物件好濛,強調咗啲物件嘅郁動同光暗[1]








  1. 1.0 1.1 Hauser, A. (2005). Social history of art, volume 4: naturalism, Impressionism, the film age. Routledge.
  2. Samu, M. (2004). Impressionism: Art and modernity. Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History.
  3. Samu, Margaret. "Impressionism: Art and Modernity". In Heilbrunn Timeline of Art History. New York: The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000 (October 2004).
  4. Cole, Bruce (1991). Art of the Western World: From Ancient Greece to Post Modernism. Simon and Schuster. p. 242.
  5. Croizier, R. C. (1988). Art and Revolution in Modern China: the Lingnan (Cantonese) school of painting, 1906-1951 (Vol. 29). Univ of California Press.


  • Baumann, Felix Andreas, Marianne Karabelnik-Matta, Jean Sutherland Boggs, and Tobia Bezzola (1994). Degas Portraits. London: Merrell Holberton. ISBN 1-85894-014-1
  • Bomford, David, Jo Kirby, John Leighton, Ashok Roy, and Raymond White (1990). Impressionism. London: National Gallery. ISBN 0-300-05035-6
  • Denvir, Bernard (1990). The Thames and Hudson Encyclopaedia of Impressionism. London: Thames and Hudson. ISBN 0-500-20239-7
  • Distel, Anne, Michel Hoog, and Charles S. Moffett (1974). Impressionism; a centenary exhibition, the Metropolitan Museum of Art, December 12, 1974-February 10, 1975. New York: Metropolitan Museum of Art. ISBN 0-8709-9097-7
  • Eisenman, Stephen F (2011). "From Corot to Monet: The Ecology of Impressionism". Milan: Skira. ISBN 8857207064.
  • Gordon, Robert; Forge, Andrew (1988). Degas. New York: Harry N. Abrams. ISBN 0-8109-1142-6
  • Gowing, Lawrence, with Adriani, Götz; Krumrine, Mary Louise; Lewis, Mary Tompkins; Patin, Sylvie; Rewald, John (1988). Cézanne: The Early Years 1859-1872. New York: Harry N. Abrams.
  • Jensen, Robert (1994). Marketing modernism in fin-de-siècle Europe. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press. ISBN 0691033331.
  • Moskowitz, Ira; Sérullaz, Maurice (1962). French Impressionists: A Selection of Drawings of the French 19th Century. Boston and Toronto: Little, Brown and Company. ISBN 0-316-58560-2
  • Rewald, John (1973). The History of Impressionism (4th, Revised Ed.). New York: The Museum of Modern Art. ISBN 0-87070-360-9
  • Richardson, John (1976). Manet (3rd Ed.). Oxford: Phaidon Press Ltd. ISBN 0-7148-1743-0
  • Rosenblum, Robert (1989). Paintings in the Musée d'Orsay. New York: Stewart, Tabori & Chang. ISBN 1-55670-099-7
  • Moffett, Charles S. (1986). "The New Painting, Impressionism 1874-1886". Geneva: Richard Burton SA.
