
Wikipedia:城市論壇 (技術)/歸檔/2022年6月

Archive 呢版係以往討論嘅歸檔,請唔好改呢版。如果你想發起新嘅討論或者重開家下嘅討論,請係家下討論頁做,唔該。

呢次嘅歸檔係由Shinjiman2022年7月20號 (三) 05:21 (UTC)做嘅。[回覆]

Wiki Loves Folklore is back!



You are humbly invited to participate in the Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 an international photography contest organized on Wikimedia Commons to document folklore and intangible cultural heritage from different regions, including, folk creative activities and many more. It is held every year from the 1st till the 28th of February.

You can help in enriching the folklore documentation on Commons from your region by taking photos, audios, videos, and submitting them in this commons contest.

You can also organize a local contest in your country and support us in translating the project pages to help us spread the word in your native language.

Feel free to contact us on our project Talk page if you need any assistance.

Kind regards,

Wiki loves Folklore International Team

--MediaWiki message delivery (傾偈) 2022年1月9號 (日) 13:15 (UTC)[回覆]






社群技術團隊致力於為有經驗的維基媒體編輯者開發工具。 您可以使用任何語言編寫建議,我們將為您翻譯建議。謝謝,我們期待著您的建議! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 2022年1月10號 (一) 18:49 (UTC)[回覆]

2022年1月11號 (二) 01:23 (UTC)

Feminism and Folklore 2022



Greetings! You are invited to participate in Feminism and Folklore 2022 writing competion. This year Feminism and Folklore will focus on feminism, women biographies and gender-focused topics for the project in league with Wiki Loves Folklore gender gap focus with folk culture theme on Wikipedia.

You can help us in enriching the folklore documentation on Wikipedia from your region by creating or improving articles focused on folklore around the world, including, but not limited to folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, women and queer personalities in folklore, folk culture (folk artists, folk dancers, folk singers, folk musicians, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales and more. You can contribute to new articles or translate from the list of suggested articles here.

You can also support us in organizing the contest on your local Wikipedia by signing up your community to participate in this project and also translating the project page and help us spread the word in your native language.

Learn more about the contest and prizes from our project page. Feel free to contact us on our talk page or via Email if you need any assistance...

Thank you.

Feminism and Folklore Team,

Tiven2240 --2022年1月11號 (二) 05:49 (UTC)[回覆]

Save the Date: Coolest Tool Award 2021: this Friday, 17:00 UTC


<languages />

Hello all,

The ceremony of the 2021 Wikimedia Coolest Tool Award will take place virtually on Friday 14 January 2022, 17:00 UTC.

This award is highlighting software tools that have been nominated by contributors to the Wikimedia projects. The ceremony will be a nice moment to show appreciation to our tool developers and maybe discover new tools!

Read more about the livestream and the discussion channels.

Thanks for joining! andre (talk) -08:02, 6 January 2022 (UTC)

2022年1月17號 (一) 19:55 (UTC)

Subscribe to the This Month in Education newsletter - learn from others and share your stories


Dear community members,

Greetings from the EWOC Newsletter team and the education team at Wikimedia Foundation. We are very excited to share that we on tenth years of Education Newsletter (This Month in Education) invite you to join us by subscribing to the newsletter on your talk page or by sharing your activities in the upcoming newsletters. The Wikimedia Education newsletter is a monthly newsletter that collects articles written by community members using Wikimedia projects in education around the world, and it is published by the EWOC Newsletter team in collaboration with the Education team. These stories can bring you new ideas to try, valuable insights about the success and challenges of our community members in running education programs in their context.

If your affiliate/language project is developing its own education initiatives, please remember to take advantage of this newsletter to publish your stories with the wider movement that shares your passion for education. You can submit newsletter articles in your own language or submit bilingual articles for the education newsletter. For the month of January the deadline to submit articles is on the 20th January. We look forward to reading your stories.

Older versions of this newsletter can be found in the complete archive.

More information about the newsletter can be found at Education/Newsletter/About.

For more information, please contact spatnaik@wikimedia.org.

About This Month in Education · Subscribe/Unsubscribe · Global message delivery · For the team: ZI Jony (Talk), 禮拜五 15:54, 07 2月 2025 (UTC)

Last two days for submitting proposals


Tomorrow is the last day for submitting proposals for the Community Wishlist Survey 2022.

Also, everyone is welcome to translate, promote, and discuss proposals. SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 2022年1月22號 (六) 14:45 (UTC)[回覆]

2022年1月24號 (一) 21:38 (UTC)

2022年1月31號 (一) 17:42 (UTC)

2022年2月7號 (一) 21:15 (UTC)


依家隻機械人大約幾耐行一次?——Z423X5C6傾偈2022年2月13號 (日) 06:28 (UTC)[回覆]
@Z423x5c6我可以話係「不定期」,睇Special:貢獻/EmausBot,有一段時間係2021年10月12號-12月13號,成2個月部機械人冇喺粵維做過嘢,所以我呢度先要求本地整返個運作,唔好再依賴跨維基去處理。特克斯特 (傾偈) 2022年2月13號 (日) 06:32 (UTC)[回覆]
唔止得一部噉嘅機械人,例如「https://zh-yue.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:%E8%B2%A2%E7%8D%BB/Xqbot」,佢哋會補位,似乎冇必要增加。本用户都檢討緊,繼續用分量少,數量多嘅編輯風格究竟好唔好。堆新開嘅嘢環環相扣,優點係改動章節標題時只需要郁最頭嗰環,缺點係異常狀態為期不明;不過喺搜尋器搭線之前,瀏覽量唔會大,拖耐啲又似乎冇乜所謂喎。--討論2022年2月13號 (日) 07:52 (UTC)[回覆]
唔定期嘅原因應該係EmausBot用緊PAWS行Pywikibot,操作者上線run redirect.py先會edit。而家enwiki同zhwiki都主要用Xqbot,應該唔係好需要特登整本地嘅。--Sun8908傾偈2022年2月13號 (日) 09:28 (UTC)[回覆]

2022年2月14號 (一) 19:18 (UTC)



由于軟件設定问题,當前修訂版本URL不可用,故已修改以移除無用URL位置Emojiwiki (傾偈) 2022年2月17號 (四) 00:45 (UTC)[回覆]

唔該晒幫手改好嗰句,如果啲用戶要拎返嗰陣時嘅修版本嘅話,喺左手邊嘅『固定連結』會拎得返嗰版嗰陣時嘅修訂版本。 Shinjiman 2022年2月17號 (四) 01:35 (UTC)[回覆]

Rollout of the new audio and video player




Over the next months we will gradually change the audio and video player of Wikis from Kultura to Video.js and with that, the old player won’t be accessible anymore. The new player has been active as a beta feature since May 2017.

The new player has many advantages, including better design, consistent look with the rest of our interface, better compatibility with browsers, ability to work on mobile which means our multimedia will be properly accessible on iPhone, better accessibility and many more.

The old player has been unmaintained for eight years now and is home-brewn (unlike the new player which is a widely used open source project) and uses deprecated and abandoned frameworks such as jQuery UI. Removing the old player’s code also improves performance of the Wikis for anyone visiting any page (by significantly reducing complexity of the dependency graph of our ResourceLoader modules. See this blog post.). The old player has many open bugs that we will be able to close as resolved after this migration.

The new player will solve a lot of old and outstanding issues but also it will have its own bugs. All important ones have been fixed but there will be some small ones to tackle in the future and after the rollout.

What we are asking now is to turn on the beta feature for the new player and let us know about any issues.

You can track the work in T100106

Thank you, Amir 2022年2月17號 (四) 17:59 (UTC)[回覆]

2022年2月21號 (一) 19:12 (UTC)

Wiki Loves Folklore is extended till 15th March


Greetings from Wiki Loves Folklore International Team,

We are pleased to inform you that Wiki Loves Folklore an international photographic contest on Wikimedia Commons has been extended till the 15th of March 2022. The scope of the contest is focused on folk culture of different regions on categories, such as, but not limited to, folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, etc.

We would like to have your immense participation in the photographic contest to document your local Folk culture on Wikipedia. You can also help with the translation of project pages and share a word in your local language.

Best wishes,

International Team
Wiki Loves Folklore

MediaWiki message delivery (傾偈) 2022年2月22號 (二) 04:50 (UTC)[回覆]

Coming soon


- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 2022年2月28號 (一) 12:39 (UTC)[回覆]

2022年2月28號 (一) 22:59 (UTC)



香港語言學學會(LSHK)有新釋畀粵拼標調原則喺05-03-2022講到嘸推薦上下標粵拼聲調,因有傷害到粵拼聲調嘅可讀性。建議喺維基百科應跟LSHK所釋正常噉標調喺音節尾。噉子做理應會改進啲聲調嘅可讀性特別係喺Template:Ruby振標細字情況下。 汩汩银泉 (傾偈) 2022年3月5號 (六) 19:33 (UTC)[回覆]

係啊,{{jpingauto}}都應該改返。——Z423X5C6傾偈2022年3月6號 (日) 05:53 (UTC)[回覆]
噉幾時得喐手呢?涉及到templates+文章都好多噉。好似冇乜人發表意見。 汩汩银泉 (傾偈) 2022年3月9號 (三) 22:25 (UTC)[回覆]
改還改,仲要睇吓要點樣處理Category:用咗sup標記嘅調號上標模嘅遺留問題,定係有需要嘅話開一個新嘅類? Shinjiman 2022年3月10號 (四) 00:59 (UTC)[回覆]
仲有,用CSS形式套用顏色亦係一個可行嘅做法,可能要開一個新嘅CSS class嚟處理。 Shinjiman 2022年3月10號 (四) 01:47 (UTC)[回覆]
個類已經人手清咗。 ——Z423X5C6傾偈2022年3月10號 (四) 06:21 (UTC)[回覆]
我會支持1.冇設任何樣式(首選); 2.粗體(但本身字已經粗體嘅話就會冇有分別)。維基百科顯示字帶顏色(除開[[]]之類)會有啲奇怪? 汩汩银泉 (傾偈) 2022年3月10號 (四) 09:11 (UTC)[回覆]
Ngo5 njing4 wai4 gwai1 gan1 git3 dai2 zi2 hai4 duk4 gwaan3 mi4 duk4 gwaan3 man4 tai4 nje2. Zi3 siu2 ngo2 duk4 zing3 coeng4 Jit4 ping3 mau2 jau2 zoeng3 ngoi4. (我認為歸根結底只係讀慣未讀慣問題咡。至少我讀正常粵拼冇有障礙。) 汩汩银泉 (傾偈) 2022年3月10號 (四) 09:17 (UTC)[回覆]
我建議仍然都係要用返CSS形式包返個數字,至於用乜嘢格式預設表示,就跟返上面嘅提議;另外有個別用戶想做唔同嘅表示形式嘅話,可以透過修改用戶自定嘅CSS去做到唔同嘅表示效果。 Shinjiman 2022年3月10號 (四) 09:21 (UTC)[回覆]
可以似你噉子講,留interface等用戶改自定 CSS。 汩汩银泉 (傾偈) 2022年3月10號 (四) 09:25 (UTC)[回覆]
一隻月嘞,冇異義就喐手嘞… 汩汩银泉 (傾偈) 2022年4月9號 (六) 09:02 (UTC)[回覆]
已經將佢拆開咗一個CSS class "Jpingtone",如果用戶想自定標音格式嘅話,可以用呢個class名定義格式;但要先睇吓有冇一啲特別嘅技術問題先。 Shinjiman 2022年4月12號 (二) 02:06 (UTC)[回覆]
我再加咗有關方面嘅註解,唔知仲有冇嘢需要補充呢? Shinjiman 2022年4月12號 (二) 02:24 (UTC)[回覆]
多謝Shinjiman幫手處理。 ——Z423X5C6傾偈2022年4月12號 (二) 07:03 (UTC)[回覆]
啱啊。 汩汩银泉 (傾偈) 2022年4月13號 (三) 08:25 (UTC)[回覆]

2022年3月7號 (一) 21:16 (UTC)

Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 ends tomorrow


International photographic contest Wiki Loves Folklore 2022 ends on 15th March 2022 23:59:59 UTC. This is the last chance of the year to upload images about local folk culture, festival, cuisine, costume, folklore etc on Wikimedia Commons. Watch out our social media handles for regular updates and declaration of Winners.

(Facebook , Twitter , Instagram)

The writing competition Feminism and Folklore will run till 31st of March 2022 23:59:59 UTC. Write about your local folk tradition, women, folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, folk games, folk cuisine, folk wear, folklore, and tradition, including ballads, folktales, fairy tales, legends, traditional song and dance, folk plays, games, seasonal events, calendar customs, folk arts, folk religion, mythology etc. on your local Wikipedia. Check if your local Wikipedia is participating

A special competition called Wiki Loves Falles is organised in Spain and the world during 15th March 2022 till 15th April 2022 to document local folk culture and Falles in Valencia, Spain. Learn more about it on Catalan Wikipedia project page.

We look forward for your immense co-operation.

Thanks Wiki Loves Folklore international Team MediaWiki message delivery (傾偈) 2022年3月14號 (一) 14:40 (UTC)[回覆]

2022年3月14號 (一) 22:07 (UTC)

Survey: Help improve Kartographer


Apologies for writing in English. If anyone could help translating this message, it would be deeply appreciated.

Do you create interactive maps with Kartographer (mapframe)? If your answer is yes, we would like to hear from you. Please take part in the survey and help improve Kartographer!

Some background: Wikimedia Germany's Technical Wishes team is currently working on the Kartographer extension. Over the last few months, we have been working on a solution to make this software usable on wikis where it isn’t available yet. In the next phase of the project, we are planning to improve Kartographer itself.

Because Kartographer is used quite a lot on this wiki, we would like to ask you: Where do you run into problems using it? Which new features would you like to see? Editors of all experience levels and with all workflows around Kartographer are welcome to participate.

Here is the survey: https://wikimedia.sslsurvey.de/Kartographer-Workflows-EN/

  • The survey is open until March 31.
  • It takes 10-15 minutes to complete.
  • The survey is anonymous. You don't need to register, and we will not store any personal data which identifies you, such as your name or IP address.

Unfortunately, the survey is only available in English, but we have tried our best to use simple English and to add visual examples. If English is not your native language, it might help to use a translation tool in your browser.

More information on our work with Kartographer and the focus area of Geoinformation can be found on our project page.

Thank you for your help! – Johanna Strodt (WMDE) (talk) 2022年3月16號 (三) 13:08 (UTC)[回覆]

2022年3月21號 (一) 16:01 (UTC)


@H78c67c你入Category:維基百科論文睇,全部都係“Wikipedia”開頭。即係咁樣寫:Wikipedia:係英文維基講嘅!,點解會係紅拎?唔識轉做藍拎。而Template:藝人模:藝人,就兩者都係藍拎(一個係寫“Template”一詞、一個係寫“模”一詞)。睇唔睇到個分別先?特克斯特 (傾偈) 2022年3月21號 (一) 21:59 (UTC)[回覆]
其實「維基百科:係英文維基講嘅!」係開錯咗落文章/(主)空間名度。如果你想「維基百科:」開頭嘅版自動彈返去「Wikipedia:」空間名度嘅話,可以去搵系統管理員加'維基百科' => NS_PROJECT落InitialiseSettings.php wgNamespaceAliases嗰欄。 H78c67c·傾偈 2022年3月22號 (二) 00:16 (UTC)[回覆]

Feminism and Folklore 2022 ends soon


Feminism and Folklore 2022 which is an international writing contest organized at Wikipedia ends soon that is on 31 March 2022 11:59 UTC. This is the last chance of the year to write about feminism, women biographies and gender-focused topics such as folk festivals, folk dances, folk music, folk activities, folk games, folk cuisine, folk wear, fairy tales, folk plays, folk arts, folk religion, mythology, folk artists, folk dancers, folk singers, folk musicians, folk game athletes, women in mythology, women warriors in folklore, witches and witch hunting, fairy tales and more

Keep an eye on the project page for declaration of Winners.

We look forward for your immense co-operation.

Thanks Wiki Loves Folklore international Team MediaWiki message delivery (傾偈) 2022年3月26號 (六) 14:29 (UTC)[回覆]

2022年3月28號 (一) 19:54 (UTC)

2022年4月4號 (一) 21:01 (UTC)

Tech News: 2022-15


2022年4月11號 (一) 19:44 (UTC)

Tech News: 2022-16


2022年4月18號 (一) 23:11 (UTC)



2022年4月25號 (一) 22:56 (UTC)

Coming soon: Improvements for templates


-- Johanna Strodt (WMDE) 2022年4月29號 (五) 11:14 (UTC)[回覆]

Editing news 2022 #1


Read this in another languageSubscription list for this multilingual newsletter

New editors were more successful with this new tool.

The New topic tool helps editors create new ==Sections== on discussion pages. New editors are more successful with this new tool. You can read the report. Soon, the Editing team will offer this to all editors at the 20 Wikipedias that participated in the test. You will be able to turn it off at Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion.

Whatamidoing (WMF) 2022年5月2號 (一) 18:55 (UTC)[回覆]

Tech News: 2022-18


2022年5月2號 (一) 19:33 (UTC)

Tech News: 2022-19


2022年5月9號 (一) 15:22 (UTC)

「Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored 」問題治本解決方案


見好多用Template:Cite web嘅編輯都會留低「Unknown parameter |dead-url= ignored 」呢啲蘇州屎,係咪應該考慮修改Template:Cite web,兼容返「dead-url」參數?如果唔係,係咪要開發機械人進行大規模修正?(但問題係粵維根本無人力物力去開發機械人)--Kowlooner (傾偈) 2022年5月15號 (日) 11:43 (UTC)[回覆]

呢個參數以前曾經用過,但喺2019年年尾左右,喺英維已經棄用呢個參數;之後粵維呢度之後亦都棄用咗。唔建議改模兼容舊版參數嘅用法,建議用機械人或者用AWB等工具將參數改咗佢。要改嘅就要將dead-url=yes或者deadurl=yes改晒做url-status=dead。 Shinjiman 2022年5月15號 (日) 14:47 (UTC)[回覆]
要搞應該唔難?喺{{cite web}}度加啲嘢,將用咗dead-url嘅加入一個類度,再行awb/bot。 ——Z423X5C6傾偈2022年5月15號 (日) 15:01 (UTC)[回覆]
應該唔難,用Special:Whatlinkshere/Template:引網做返個list,再用上面嘅條件做改動就可以。 Shinjiman 2022年5月15號 (日) 16:51 (UTC)[回覆]
另外有種情況就係dead-url=no,噉就有多過一種可能性,可能會係url-status=live或者url-status=unfit或usurped;而url-status=deviated亦係另一種嘅可能性。 Shinjiman 2022年5月15號 (日) 17:13 (UTC)[回覆]
用Whatlinkshere可能會太多?我記得之前唔知藝人模定唔知邊個模可以detect到有過時參數,參考下就ok。不過User:Shinjiman你既然上線回覆,不如處埋吓User:WikiCantona嘅問題先?佢依家嘅行為已經騷擾到我。 ——Z423X5C6傾偈2022年5月15號 (日) 18:37 (UTC)[回覆]
喺英維嘅處理方法可以睇吓呢度Shinjiman 2022年5月16號 (一) 01:56 (UTC)[回覆]
我家吓處理緊dead-url=yes或者deadurl=yes改晒做url-status=dead呢樣嘢,之後嘅dead-url=no睇吓再點樣處理先。 Shinjiman 2022年5月16號 (一) 02:02 (UTC)[回覆]
睇過篇解,如果以前嘅參數係用dead-url=no或者deadurl=no嘅話,就噉會將佢個參數改做url-status=live先;因為url-status=deviated係指同原先嘅嘢唔同,而url-status=unfit或usurped係會直接收埋原網址嘅,要改做後面嘅三種情況嘅話,就要用人手去查,噉嘅情況就假設全部嘅情況都係入得到去嘅,就先將佢哋改過先,我會喺今日稍後嘅時間開始去做埋佢。 Shinjiman 2022年5月17號 (二) 01:17 (UTC)[回覆]
呢度可以用內文搵仲剩返幾多版要去執。 Shinjiman 2022年5月18號 (三) 06:47 (UTC)[回覆]
喺大執之後剩返大約36版,最後用人手執埋之後將剩低嘅完全噉樣清理好晒。 Shinjiman 2022年6月18號 (六) 05:15 (UTC)[回覆]
唔該晒Shinjiman幫手。不過由於有其他語言版本未有禁絕呢個參數,預計將來仍會有人由其他語言複製內容嗰陣抄埋個無效參數過嚟,所以日後仍需要定期發動清理。--Kowlooner (傾偈) 2022年5月29號 (日) 12:12 (UTC)[回覆]

Tech News: 2022-20


2022年5月16號 (一) 18:58 (UTC)

Tech News: 2022-21


2022年5月24號 (二) 00:20 (UTC)

Tech News: 2022-22


2022年5月30號 (一) 20:28 (UTC)

Deployment of FLORES Machine Translation to Cantonese Wikipedia


Hello Friends!

Apologies as this message is not in your native language 請幫手去譯做你嘅語言.

The WMF Language team plans to introduce a machine translation (MT) support for the Content Translation in Cantonese Wikipedia called FLORES. This means that you can choose to use FLORES machine translation when translating Wikipedia articles to Cantonese using the Content Translation tool.

The FLORES Machine Translation is provided by an AI research team at Meta through a free for use API key that allows the Content Translation to access the service on the FLORES server for an evaluation trial period. This MT will be set as default in your Wikipedia, but you can choose not to use it by selecting "Start with empty paragraph" from the "Initial Translation" dropdown menu.

The Wikimedia Foundation has worked out an agreement that allows the use of FLORES without compromising Wikipedia’s policies about attribution of rights, your privacy as a user, and brand representation. You can find more information about the FLORES Machine translation on this page.

Please note that the use of the FLORES MT is not compulsory. However, we would want your community to:

  • use it once it is deployed to improve the quality of the Machine Translation service
  • provide feedback about our plans, its quality once deployed and ask any questions you might have about this addition.

We trust that introducing this MT is a good support to the Content Translations tool towards having better quality articles in Cantonese Wikipedia.

Thank you!

UOzurumba (WMF) (傾偈) 2022年6月1號 (三) 00:03 (UTC)[回覆]

FLORES Machine Translation deployed to Cantonese Wikipedia


Hello Friends!

The WMF Language team is pleased to inform you that we have deployed the FLORES machine translation (MT) support for the Content Translation in Cantonese Wikipedia. Please remember that the FLORES machine translation is set as default in your Wikipedia. Still, you can choose not to use it by selecting "Start with empty paragraph" from the "Initial Translation" dropdown menu. However, we would want your community to:

  • use it to improve the quality of the Machine Translation service
  • provide feedback about its quality and ask any questions you might have about this addition.

We look forward to your community using the Machine Translation support in Content Translation to create better quality articles in Cantonese Wikipedia.

Thank you!

UOzurumba (WMF) (傾偈) 2022年6月21號 (二) 16:35 (UTC) On behalf of the WMF Language team.[回覆]

Tech News: 2022-23


2022年6月7號 (二) 02:46 (UTC)



點解嗰字粗體嘅話顯示出嚟後面會多咗個空格?定係得我部電腦係咁。 ——Z423X5C6傾偈2022年6月11號 (六) 15:29 (UTC)[回覆]

係唔係用咗微軟正黑體嘅粗體字? Shinjiman 2022年6月11號 (六) 16:08 (UTC)[回覆]
勁!應該係啦,我冇搞過任何設定。 ——Z423X5C6傾偈2022年6月11號 (六) 16:15 (UTC)[回覆]
@Z423x5c6呢樣嘢正想問,喺Template:我是歌手入面嘅「張碧晨」都係有個空格。所以依家係維基嘅問題,定係要電腦轉字體?特克斯特 (傾偈) 2022年6月11號 (六) 22:00 (UTC)[回覆]
呢個係字體本身嘅問題,同維基無關。 Shinjiman 2022年6月12號 (日) 10:22 (UTC)[回覆]

Enabling Content and Section translation tool in Cantonese Wikipedia


你好 Friends!

Apologies as this message is not in your native language, 請幫手去譯做你嘅語言.

The WMF Language team is pleased to let you know that we will like to enable the Section and Content translation tool in Cantonese Wikipedia. For this, our team will love you to read about the tool and test the new Section Translation tool so you can:

  • Give us your feedback
  • Ask us questions
  • Tell us how to improve it

Below is background information about the tools, why we have chosen to enable them in your Wikipedia and how you can test the Section translation tool.

Background information

Content Translation has been a successful tool for editors to create content in their language. More than one million articles have been created across all languages since the tool was released in 2015. However, the tool is not out of beta in Cantonese Wikipedia, limiting the discoverability of the tool and its use and blocking the enablement of the Section translation in your Wikipedia

Section Translation extends the capabilities of Content Translation to support mobile devices. On mobile, the tool will:

  • Guide you to translate one section at a time in order to expand existing articles or create new ones
  • Make it easy to transfer knowledge across languages anytime from your mobile device

We plan to enable the tools on Cantonese Wikipedia in the coming week if there are no objections from your community. After it is enabled, we’ll monitor the content created with the tools and process all the feedback. In any case, feel free to raise any concerns or questions you may already have as a reply to this message or on the project talk page

Try the Section translation tool

Before the enablement, you can try the current implementation of the tool in our testing instance. Once it is enabled on Cantonese Wikipedia, you’ll have access to https://zh-yue.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:ContentTranslation with your mobile device. You can select an article to translate, and machine translation will be provided as a starting point for editors to improve.

Provide feedback

Please provide feedback about Section translation on the project talk page. We want to hear about your impressions on

  • The section translation tool
  • What do you think about our plans to enable it
  • Your ideas for improving the tool

Thanks and we look forward to your feedback and questions.

UOzurumba (WMF) (傾偈) 2022年6月29號 (三) 16:45 (UTC) On behalf of the WMF Language team.[回覆]