


單音音樂英文monophony),又叫單音結構[註 1],係最簡單嗰種織體,指成首音樂得嗰一行旋律,冇任何伴奏[1],不過所謂冇伴奏係唔計例如之類冇特定音高嘅敲擊樂器嘅,甚至有伴奏,但係伴奏係一至三個音高嘅持續音或者頻現句英文drone)都可以唔計[2],又或者伴奏係同一首旋律隔一個固定音程亦都唔計[3]

注意音樂學講嘅織體並唔等於音樂業界講嘅質感[註 2];唔同樂器會影響質感,用咗敲擊樂亦會影響質感。單音音樂亦唔亦一定係得一個人或一件樂器,而係多過一個人、多過一件樂器都得,關鍵係啲音全部冇分別[2]





例如乜嘢伴奏都冇嘅《Pop Goes the Weasel》旋律就係一首單音音樂:

% 原圖:File:Pop Goes the Weasel updated.png
% 參考咗:https://archive.org/details/lowes-selection-of-popular-country-dances/page/15/mode/1up
S = \transpose c c' {
	\time 6/8 c4 c8 d4 d8 | e8([g e)] c4 r8 | c4 c8(d4-.) d8 | e4. c8 r4 |
	c4 c8 d4 d8 | e8([g e-.]) c4 r8 | a8-> r4 d4 f8 | e4. c8 r4 \bar "||"
\header { tagline = "" }
\score { \layout { indent = 0 line-width = 14.8\cm ragged-last = ##f } \S }
\score { \midi { \tempo 4 = 144 } { \S s4 }} % dummy rest added to prevent abrupt cutoff


% 原圖:File:Pop Goes the Weasel updated.png
% 參考咗:https://archive.org/details/lowes-selection-of-popular-country-dances/page/15/mode/1up
S = \transpose c c' {
	\time 6/8 c4 c8 d4 d8 | e8([g e)] c4 r8 | c4 c8(d4-.) d8 | e4. c8 r4 |
	c4 c8 d4 d8 | e8([g e-.]) c4 r8 | a8-> r4 d4 f8 | e4. c8 r4 \bar "||"
Tambourine = \drummode {
	tamb4. tamb | tamb4. tamb4 tamb8 |
	\repeat unfold 2 { tamb4 tamb8 tamb4. | tamb4 tamb8 tamb4 tamb8 | }
	\repeat tremolo 4 { tamb32 } r4 tamb4 tamb8 | \repeat tremolo 4 { tamb32 } r4 tamb4.
\header { tagline = "" }
#(define (exp n) (make-music 'ContextSpeccedMusic 'context-type 'Staff 'element
  (make-music 'PropertySet 'value n 'symbol 'midiExpression))) % \set Staff.midiExpression = #n
\score {
	\layout {
		indent = 0 line-width = 14.8\cm ragged-last = ##f
		\context { \Score \override SpacingSpanner.spacing-increment = #1/2 }
		\new Staff \S
		\new RhythmicStaff \Tambourine
\score {
	\midi { \tempo 4 = 144 \context { \Score midiReverbLevel = 0.5 }}
		\new Staff <<
				\S s4 % dummy rest added to prevent abrupt cutoff
			}{ % MIDI control channel
				\set Staff.midiInstrument = "fiddle" 
				\repeat unfold 6 {
					#(exp 0.95) s8 #(exp 0.82) s4 #(exp 0.88) s8 #(exp 0.8) s4
				#(exp 1) s4. #(exp 0.88) s8 #(exp 0.8)		% m7
				#(exp 0.95) s4. #(exp 0.88) s8 #(exp 0.75)	% m8
		\new DrumStaff <<
				\unfoldRepeats { \Tambourine }
			}{ % MIDI control channel
				\set Staff.midiMaximumVolume = 0.75
				#(exp 0.6) s4. #(exp 0.72) s	% m1
				#(exp 0.85) s #(exp 1) s		% m2
				\repeat unfold 4 { #(exp 1) s4 #(exp 0.85) s8 #(exp 0.95) s4 #(exp 0.8) s8) }
				\repeat unfold 2 {
					#(exp 1) s32 \repeat unfold 3 {
						#(exp (div (add 80 (random 20)) 100))) s
					s4 #(exp 0.75) s4 #(exp 0.5) s8

相差八度聽落係同一個音;如果 「伴奏」 係旋律高或者低八度,仍然係單音音樂(管風琴用咗某啲設定,彈單音可以造出類似效果,電結他用咗某啲效果器亦可以):

% 原圖:File:Pop Goes the Weasel updated.png
% 參考咗:https://archive.org/details/lowes-selection-of-popular-country-dances/page/15/mode/1up
S = \transpose c c' {
	\time 6/8 c4 c8 d4 d8 | e8([g e)] c4 r8 | c4 c8(d4-.) d8 | e4. c8 r4 |
	c4 c8 d4 d8 | e8([g e-.]) c4 r8 | a8-> r4 d4 f8 | e4. c8 r4 \bar "||"
\header { tagline = "" }
\score {
	\layout { indent = 0 line-width = 14.8\cm ragged-last = ##f }
		\new Staff \transpose c c' { \S }
		\new Staff { \S }
\score {
	\midi { \tempo 4 = 144 \context { \Score midiReverbLevel = 0.5 }}
		\new Staff {
			\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"piccolo"
			\transpose c c' \S
		\new Staff { \S s4 } % dummy rest added to prevent abrupt cutoff




% 原圖:File:Pop Goes the Weasel updated.png
% 參考咗:https://archive.org/details/lowes-selection-of-popular-country-dances/page/15/mode/1up
S = \transpose c c' {
	\time 6/8 c4 c8 d4 d8 | e8([g e)] c4 r8 | c4 c8(d4-.) d8 | e4. c8 r4 |
	c4 c8 d4 d8 | e8([g e-.]) c4 r8 | a8-> r4 d4 f8 | e4. c8 r4 \bar "||"
\header { tagline = "" }
\score {
	\layout { indent = 0 line-width = 14.8\cm ragged-last = ##f }
		\new Staff { \S }
		\new Staff { \clef bass \transpose c g, \S }
\score {
	\midi { \tempo 4 = 144 \context { \Score midiReverbLevel = 0.5 }}
		\new Staff { \S s4 } % dummy rest added to prevent abrupt cutoff
		\new Staff {
			\set Staff.midiMaximumVolume = 0.75
			\set Staff.midiInstrument = #"harmonica"
			\transpose c g, \S


% 原圖:File:Pop Goes the Weasel updated.png
% 參考咗:https://archive.org/details/lowes-selection-of-popular-country-dances/page/15/mode/1up
S = \transpose c c' {
	\time 6/8 c4 c8 d4 d8 | e8([g e)] c4 r8 | c4 c8(d4-.) d8 | e4. c8 r4 |
	c4 c8 d4 d8 | e8([g e-.]) c4 r8 | a8-> r4 d4 f8 | e4. c8 r4 \bar "||"
B = \transpose c c, { \repeat unfold 8 { c2. }}
\header { tagline = "" }
\score {
	\layout { indent = 0 line-width = 14.8\cm ragged-last = ##f }
		\new Staff { \S }
		\new Staff { \clef bass \B }
\score {
	\midi { \tempo 4 = 144 \context { \Score midiReverbLevel = 0.5 }}
		\new Staff { \S s4 } % dummy rest added to prevent abrupt cutoff
		\new Staff { \set Staff.midiInstrument = #"electric bass (finger)" \B }


  1. Benward, Bruce, and Marilyn Nadine Saker (2003). Music: In Theory and Practice, 7th edition, vol. 1. Boston: McGraw-Hill. p. 136.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Bent, Ian. "Monophony". Sonic Glossary (英文). Columbia University. 喺2024年11月2號搵到.
  3. Farrant, Dan (7 March 2024). "12 Examples Of Songs With Monophonic Texture" (英文). 喺2024年10月31號搵到.
  4. Hines, Edward J. "What Are Makams Part 2" (英文). 喺2024年10月31號搵到.

  1. 譯名見:劉繼智 (2009)。港天主教中文聖樂的發展: 劉榮耀神父的貢獻 (PDF) (香港中文)。天主教香港教區。頁 13。喺2024年10月22號搵到
  2. 喺英文兩樣嘢都係叫 texture