
強化敏感度理論(reinforcement sensitivity theory,簡稱「RST」)係一個喺廿世紀尾興起,描述性格嘅心理學理論。
研究 RST 嘅心理學家喺實驗室入面做咗觀察,睇大家鼠等動物喺遇到唔同事物嗰陣有點樣嘅行為,然後仲做咗神經成像睇吓呢啲行為由邊啲腦區主宰。根據 RST 研究得出嘅結果,一隻動物嘅腦有三個重要系統[2][3]:
- 行為趨近系統(behavioral approach system,BAS):呢個系統會對表示強化(簡單講,就係嘢食或者同伴等令隻動物開心嘅嘢)嘅刺激有反應,一旦啟動就會傾向令隻動物行埋去向個刺激嗰度(趨近行為);可以睇埋犒賞系統。
- 戰鬥定逃走系統(fight-flight system,FFS):呢個系統會對表示懲罰(簡單講,就係獵食者等有危險嘅嘢)嘅刺激有反應,一旦啟動就會引致戰鬥定逃走反應,令隻動物進入恐懼等能夠幫佢避開危險嘅情緒狀態(例:一個覺得驚嘅人會心跳加速,而呢點令佢更加能夠快速奔跑);
- 行為壓抑系統(behavioral inhibition system,BIS):呢個系統會對一啲唔明確嘅刺激有反應,反映咗 BAS 同 FFS 同時啟動,例如個個體遠睇到有隻生物,嗰隻生物有可能係同伴,但又有可能係獵食者(唔明確);BIS 傾向引起焦慮嘅情緒-焦慮情緒反映個個體對未來感到不確定性,傾向令個個體進入所謂嘅慎重趨近(cautious approach)狀態,即係會作出趨近,但同時將注意力變成集中於留意周圍有冇危險(以便一旦真係有危險就可以即刻發覺同進入戰鬥定逃走狀態)[1][4]。睇埋趨近定遠離衝突(approach-avoidance conflict)。
喺呢三個系統正常運作嗰陣,隻動物可以順利得到佢需要嘅嘢(BAS 令佢曉行埋嘢食或者伴侶嗰度),同時又可以避開有危險嘅嘢(FFS 令佢喺有危險嗰時會郁手攻擊或者走佬,而 BIS 令佢喺周圍可能有危險嗰陣提高警戒),所以有助隻動物生存同繁殖,通過進化嘅考驗流傳到落嚟[4]。
除此之外,RST 仲進一步提出,無論係人定第啲動物,唔同個體喺呢幾個系統嘅敏感度(sensitivity)上有差異:例如有啲人嘅 FFS 敏感度高,所以佢哋稍為感覺到危險,就會即刻出現驚等嘅反應,而另一啲人嘅 FFS 敏感度低,所以就算真係遇到危險嗰陣都唔會有太巨大嘅反應-前者會比較細膽;有啲人嘅 BAS 敏感度高,所以容易進入趨近狀態(見到新朋友會比較傾向主動行埋去,比較外向)... 等等;根據 RST,性格(personality;定義上指個體喺行為上嘅差異)呢樣嘢可以想像成呢三個系統嘅敏感度上嘅個體差異[5],而事實係,問卷調查同心理學實驗等嘅研究都支撐咗呢一個學說[6]。
[編輯]- Corr, Phillip J. (2004). "Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory and Personality". Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews. 28 (3): 317–332.
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- Jackson, Chris J. (2009). "Jackson-5 scales of revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (r-RST) and their application to dysfunctional real-world outcomes" (PDF). Journal of Research in Personality. 43 (4): 556–569.
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- Walker, B. R., & Jackson, C. J. (2017). Examining the validity of the revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory scales (PDF). Personality and Individual Differences, 106, 90-94.
[編輯]- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Gray, J.A. and McNaughton, N., The Neuropsychology of Anxiety: An Enquiry into the Functions of the Septo-Hippocampal System, July 2003, (Oxford: Oxford University Press).
- ↑ Corr, Phillip (2008). The Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory of Personality. Cambridge University Press.
- ↑ Gray, J. A. (1991). The neurophysiology of temperament. In J. Strelau & A. Angleitner (Eds.), Explorations in temperament: International perspectives on theory and measurement (pp. 105-128). New York, NY: Plenum.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 Gray, Jeffrey A.; Neil McNaughton (1982). The neuropsychology of anxiety: An enquiry into the functions of the septo-hippocampal system 互聯網檔案館嘅歸檔,歸檔日期2017年8月9號,. (PDF). Oxford Psychology Series.
- ↑ Larsen, R. J., & Buss, D. M. (2009). Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge about Human Nature. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
- ↑ Jackson, Chris J. (2009). "Jackson-5 scales of revised Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory (r-RST) and their application to dysfunctional real-world outcomes 互聯網檔案館嘅歸檔,歸檔日期2020年2月9號,." (PDF). Journal of Research in Personality. 43 (4): 556–569.