預設模式網絡(粵拼:jyu6 cit3 mou4 sik1 mong5 lok6;英文:default mode network,DMN),又有叫反作業網絡(task-negative network),喺神經科學上係指一個大規模腦網絡[1][2]。呢個網絡包含多個腦區,而根據神經科學上嘅研究,預設模式網絡會喺幾個情況下最活躍[1][3]:
- 當個人醒緊、但冇特別話做緊乜嘢要求專注嘅工作嗰陣,例如個人可能發緊白日夢,個腦處於閒置狀態(「個腦處於預設模式」),而當個人開始集中精神做一個作業嗰時,預設模式網絡好多時活躍程度會下降[4][5];
- 當個人諗緊自己(尤其係諗有關自己過去嘅記憶)或者其他人嗰陣[6];
- 當個人回想緊過去或者計劃緊未來嗰陣[7]。
有證據顯示,DMN 異常同腦退化(Alzheimer's)以及自閉症譜系(autism spectrum disorders)有關[3]。
[編輯]- 後帶狀皮層(posterior cingulate cortex,PCC)同楔前部(precuneus):負責將由下至上(bottom-up)嘅訊息結合落去記憶同感知嚟嘅訊息嗰度;腹側後帶狀皮層喺任何預設模式網絡嘅作業當中都會啟動,而背側後帶狀皮層就同意識比較有關。
- 中部前額皮層(medial prefrontal cortex,mPFC):做有關自己以及同自己好接近嘅人(例如屋企人)。
- 角回(angular gyrus):會幫手回想情節記憶(episodic memory)。
[編輯]- 背中側前額皮層(dorsal medial prefrontal cortex):會幫手推斷其他人嘅行動背後嘅意圖。
- 顳頂交界點(temporoparietal junction;顳葉同頂葉嘅一個交界位):幫手做心智理論(theory of mind)嘅功能。
- 外側顳葉(lateral temporal cortex):幫手提取有關社交嘅語義記憶(semantic memory)。
[編輯]- 普遍:自傳式記憶(autobiographical memory)
- 海馬體(hippocampus):形成新嘅記憶,仲有係回想過去同想像未來。
- 後下側頂葉(posterior inferior parietal lobe,pIPL):聽覺、視覺、同體感訊息嘅交界處。
[編輯]- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Horn, Andreas; Ostwald, Dirk; Reisert, Marco; Blankenburg, Felix (2013). "The structural-functional connectome and the default mode network of the human brain". NeuroImage. 102: 142–151.
- ↑ Garrity, A.; Pearlson, G. D.; McKiernan, K.; Lloyd, D.; Kiehl, K. A.; Calhoun, V. D. (2007). "Aberrant default mode functional connectivity in schizophrenia". Am. J. Psychiatry. 164 (3): 450–457.
- ↑ 3.0 3.1 Buckner, R. L.; Andrews-Hanna, J. R.; Schacter, D. L. (2008). "The Brain's Default Network: Anatomy, Function, and Relevance to Disease". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1124 (1): 1–38.
- ↑ Sormaz, Mladen; Murphy, Charlotte; Wang, Hao-Ting; Hymers, Mark; Karapanagiotidis, Theodoros; Poerio, Giulia; Margulies, Daniel S.; Jefferies, Elizabeth; Smallwood, Jonathan (2018). "Default mode network can support the level of detail in experience during active task states". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. 115 (37): 9318–9323.
- ↑ Fox, Michael D.; Snyder, Abraham Z.; Vincent, Justin L.; Corbetta, Maurizio; Van Essen, David C.; Raichle, Marcus E. (2005-07-05). "The human brain is intrinsically organized into dynamic, anticorrelated functional networks". Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 102 (27): 9673–9678.
- ↑ Spreng, R. Nathan (2012-01-01). "The fallacy of a "task-negative" network". Frontiers in Psychology. 3: 145.
- ↑ Lieberman, Matthew (2 September 2016). Social. Broadway Books. p. 19.
- ↑ Andrews-Hanna, Jessica R.; Smallwood, Jonathan; Spreng, R. Nathan (2014-05-01). "The default network and self-generated thought: component processes, dynamic control, and clinical relevance". Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences. 1316 (1): 29–52.