Wikipedia:城市論壇 (雜項)/歸檔/2014年12月
城市論壇 (雜項) 歸檔 | |
呢版有來自城市論壇 (雜項)嘅討論歸檔。請唔好響呢版度編輯裏面啲嘢。如果你想重新拎返出嚟討論嘅話,請響上面嘅版度開始一個新嘅議題或者用同嗰個題目有關嘅討論版。 | |
歸檔: |
呢次嘅歸檔係由Shinjiman ⇔ ♨響2015年11月18號 (三) 05:53 (UTC)做嘅。
[編輯]係咪淨得Wikipedia:維基競賽先可以增加正文數同質量先?不如搞多次啦!--Theodoreianmo2 (傾偈) 2014年9月30號 (二) 14:32 (UTC)
Hello, Dear wikipedians. I invite you to edit and improve this article and to add information about your and other country.--Kaiyr (傾偈) 2014年10月31號 (五) 11:06 (UTC)
New Wikipedia Library Accounts Now Available (November 2014)
[編輯]Apologies for writing in English, please help translate this into your local language. Hello Wikimedians!

The Wikipedia Library is announcing signups today for, free, full-access accounts to published research as part of our Publisher Donation Program. You can sign up for:
- DeGruyter: 1000 new accounts for English and German-language research. Sign up on one of two language Wikipedias:
- Fold3: 100 new accounts for American history and military archives
- Scotland's People: 100 new accounts for Scottish genealogy database
- British Newspaper Archive: expanded by 100+ accounts for British newspapers
- Highbeam: 100+ remaining accounts for newspaper and magazine archives
- Questia: 100+ remaining accounts for journal and social science articles
- JSTOR: 100+ remaining accounts for journal archives
Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: sign up today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team.2014年11月5號 (三) 23:19 (UTC)
- You can host and coordinate signups for a Wikipedia Library branch in your own language. Please contact Ocaasi (WMF).
- This message was delivered via the Global Mass Message to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List.
New Wikipedia Library Accounts Now Available (December 2014)
[編輯]Apologies for writing in English, please help translate this into your local language. Hello Wikimedians!

The Wikipedia Library is announcing signups today for, free, full-access accounts to published research as part of our Publisher Donation Program. You can sign up for new accounts and research materials from:
- Elsevier - science and medicine journals and books
- Royal Society of Chemistry - chemistry journals
- Pelican Books - ebook monographs
- Public Catalogue Foundation- art books
Other partnerships with accounts available are listed on our partners page. Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: sign up today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team.2014年12月18號 (四) 00:22 (UTC)
- You can host and coordinate signups for a Wikipedia Library branch in your own language. Please contact Ocaasi (WMF).
- This message was delivered via the Global Mass Message tool to The Wikipedia Library Global Delivery List.