文本情感分析(粵拼:man4 bun2 cing4 gam2 fan1 sik1;英文:sentiment analysis),又叫意見探勘(opinion mining),係指用自然語言處理同運算語言學等嘅技術,嘗試靠睇一段段嘅文字搵出有關「寫啲字嘅人感受緊咩情緒」嘅資訊,最後幫分析者做有用嘅決策[1][2]。
舉例說明,文本情感分析喺營銷上成日用到:想像家陣有件產品叫產品 A,出 A 呢隻產品嗰間企業想知消費者對 A 有咩感覺;於是間企業啲營銷小組就去社交媒體等嘅地方,攞啲人寫低嘅留言(睇埋網頁刮料)嚟睇;再對呢啲留言做文本情感分析-曉做文本情感分析嘅程式可能會(例如)做到
[編輯]- ↑ Vong Anh Ho, Duong Huynh-Cong Nguyen, Danh Hoang Nguyen, Linh Thi-Van Pham, Duc-Vu Nguyen, Kiet Van Nguyen, Ngan Luu-Thuy Nguyen. "Emotion Recognition for Vietnamese Social Media Text". In Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING 2019), Hanoi, Vietnam (2019).
- ↑ Liu, B. (2012). Sentiment analysis and opinion mining. Synthesis lectures on human language technologies, 5(1), 1-167.
- ↑ Rambocas, M., & Pacheco, B. G. (2018). Online sentiment analysis in marketing research: a review. Journal of Research in Interactive Marketing.
- ↑ Ceron, A., & Negri, F. (2015). Public policies go social: using sentiment analysis to support the action of policy-makers across the policy cycle. In Second International Conference on Public Policy, Milan.