


語料庫粵音:jyu5 liu2 fu3;英文text corpus)係指一啲大型有結構嘅語言資源。一隻語言嘅語料庫會包含大量屬嗰隻語言嘅錄音文字。喺廿世紀初或者打前,呢啲資料(語料)通常都係以文件嘅形式存在嘅,而到咗廿一世紀初就變成主要係以電腦形式儲起[1][2]

舉個例說明,國際英文語料庫(ICE)就係一個好出名嘅英文語料庫[3][4],ICE 搵勻嗮世界各地超過 20 個以英文做官方語言一部份嘅國家或者地區(包括香港),每個國家地區對應嘅英文語料都係儲咗當地啲人英文嘅錄音,仲有係當地啲人用英文寫嘅隨筆書信學術文新聞報道等嘅多種文字材料;到咗 2018 年,ICE 對包括嘅每個國家地區都最少有一百五十萬字咁長嘅材料,達致大型[註 1]




喺廿一世紀初嘅語言學上,語料庫定義係指一啲大型有結構嘅語言資源,當中「有結構」係一個關鍵字:語料庫個英文名嚟自拉丁文 corpus [6],大致上拉丁文入面「嚿嘢」噉解,所以 text corpus 字面上涵意可以理解做「成嚿文字」;不過喺實際應用上,語料庫唔淨只要儲住啲語料,仲要俾語言學家同第啲工作者(例如可以睇吓教 AI 處理語言嘅工作)攞去用,所以齋攞咗啲語料返嚟係唔夠嘅-整語料庫嘅人仲要將啲語料執到有條有理噉[1]


原句:She sells seashells on the seashore.(佢喺海岸上面賣貝殼。),


She (代名詞) sells (動詞) seashells (名詞) on (介詞) the (決定詞) seashore (名詞).





  • 文字分割:指將要處理嗰段字分割做若干嚿各自有意思嘅單位,方便做一步嘅分析,常見嘅有將段字切割做句子或者個別嘅呀噉;即係例如[10]
    Input:San Pedro is a town on the southern part of the island of Ambergris Caye in the Belize District of the nation of Belize, in Central America. According to 2015 mid-year estimates, the town has a population of about 16, 444.
    San Pedro is a town on the southern part of the island of Ambergris Caye in the 2.Belize District of the nation of Belize, in Central America.
    According to 2015 mid-year estimates, the town has a population of about 16, 444. It is the second-largest town in the Belize District and largest in the Belize Rural South constituency.(分割咗做唔同句子)
  • 詞形還原:指教部電腦一個字喺唔同詞性下嘅唔同樣,等部電腦識得將呢啲唔同樣當做同一個字噉嚟分析;例如英文 wolfwolves 都係指,後者係眾數,做詞形還原就會教部電腦知 wolfwolves 係同一個字嘅唔同樣[11]
  • 分析樹:一種語言學分析上成日會用嘅樹狀數據;簡單講即係按文法將一串字串句法結構表述出嚟,例如好似 John hit the ball(阿莊打中咗個波)呢句簡單嘅英文句子噉,就可以畫做以下噉嘅分析樹[12]

... 呀噉。




  • 要做好啲事前處理
  • 要大:語料庫基本上就係為語言學同相關嘅研究提供語言樣本,而樣本通常係愈大愈好嘅;一個語料庫嘅大細通常會用入面啲語料嘅總字數嚟計,字數愈高個語料庫就算係愈大,(假設第啲因素不變)個語料庫愈大就愈有用[13];例如到咗 2020 年,牛津英文語料庫(OEC;一個描述廿一世紀初嘅英文嘅語料庫[14])總字數有成 21 字咁多[15];另一方面,國際英文語料庫(ICE)就每個佢哋包括嘅國家地區都最少有 1,500,000 字咁長嘅材料,都仲俾人批評話佢細得滯[4]
  • 要夠近期:語言係會隨時間而演變嘅,例如潮流用語等嘅現象就反映咗語言嘅演變;因為噉,如果一個語料庫啲數據唔夠近期,就會搞到研究者攞唔到最新嘅資訊,例如想像有位人工智能研究者想寫一隻曉同人傾偈嘅傾偈機械人,但佢用嘅語料庫數據唔夠新,冇近 10 年嘅數據,就會搞到隻機械人唔識用近 10 年嘅潮流用語-做唔到自然嘅傾談[16]。喺實際應用上,語料庫仲會同啲語料標明埋每件語料係源自咩年份嘅,方便用家判斷嗰件語料係咪啱用。
  • 要夠廣泛:一般認為,語料庫最好能夠包含唔同類嘅語料,例如牛津英文語料庫國際英文語料庫都既會包含用英文寫嘅文字,又會包括啲人講嘢錄音;除此之外,唔同情境下寫字同講嘢都會唔同,例如新聞報導散文故仔學術文之間就有相當嘅差異,而啲人「喺正式場合講嘢」同「喺一般日常屋企人之間講嘢」又會好唔同,國際英文語料庫等嘅語料庫都有諗到呢一點,所以喺搵語料用嗰陣會包含唔同嘅料,會有新聞報導、虛構故仔同學術文等嘅多種唔同材料[17]
  • 中繼資料(metadata,粵拼met6 taa6 dei1 taa4):中繼資料係指「描繪數據嘅數據」,係語料庫不可或缺嘅一環;例如家陣有一份語料,份語料係篇隨筆,篇隨筆入面嘅字就係數據本身,而中繼資料就係指描述呢件數據嘅數據-包括係描述篇文嘅作者字數、出嘅年份同埋出處... 呀噉;中繼資料喺好多分析上都好有用,例如描述啲數據「係咩年份出」嘅中繼資料就可以幫手分析隻語言隨時間嘅變化[18]




... 呀噉。







  • 暫無




  1. 不過都有人指出,以廿一世紀初嘅語料庫嚟講,1,500,000 字算係有啲細。


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Liu, V., & Curran, J. R. (2006, April). Web text corpus for natural language processing. In 11th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (pp. 233-240).
  2. Language Corpora. University of Queensland.
  3. Greenbaum, S., & Nelson, G. (1996). The international corpus of English (ICE) project. World Englishes, 15(1), 3-15.
  4. 4.0 4.1 Kirk, J., & Nelson, G. (2018). The International Corpus of English project: A progress report (PDF). World Englishes, 37(4), 697-716.
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  6. Corpus Linguistics 互聯網檔案館歸檔,歸檔日期2022年1月24號,..
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  9. 9.0 9.1 NLP Guide: Identifying Part of Speech Tags using Conditional Random Fields. Medium.
  10. Freddy Y. Y. Choi (2000). "Advances in domain independent linear text segmentation". Proceedings of the 1st Meeting of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics (ANLP-NAACL-00). pp. 26–33.
  11. Müller, Thomas; Cotterell, Ryan; Fraser, Alexander; Schütze, Hinrich (2015). Joint Lemmatization and Morphological Tagging with LEMMING. 2015 Conference on Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing. Lisbon: Association for Computational Linguistics. pp. 2268-2274.
  12. Noam Chomsky (26 December 2014). Aspects of the Theory of Syntax. MIT Press.
  13. Hanke, T., Schulder, M., Konrad, R., & Jahn, E. (2020, May). Extending the Public DGS Corpus in size and depth. In Proceedings of the LREC2020 9th Workshop on the Representation and Processing of Sign Languages: Sign Language Resources in the Service of the Language Community, Technological Challenges and Application Perspectives (pp. 75-82).
  14. Culpeper, J. (2009). The metalanguage of impoliteness: using Sketch Engine to explore the Oxford English Corpus. na.
  15. "The Oxford English Corpus". Sketch Engine. Lexical Computing CZ s.r.o. Retrieved 27 October 2016.
  16. Renouf, A., & Kehoe, A. (2013). Filling the gaps: Using the WebCorp Linguist's Search Engine to supplement existing text resources. International Journal of Corpus Linguistics, 18(2), 167-198.
  17. International Corpus of English (ICE) Homepage.
  18. What is metadata and why do you need it?. Developing Linguistic Corpora: a Guide to Good Practice.
