物理科學(粵拼:mat6 lei5 fo1 hok6;英文:physical science)係一柞自然科學(natural science)嘅子領域,專係研究一啲冇生命嘅系統(non-living systems)-所以係生命科學(Life science)嘅相對。呢啲學科通常就係講緊有關物質同能量嘅嘢,或者一啲大自然嘅定律。佢包括咗物理(physics)。雖然佢個名係就係叫做「物理科學」,但化學(chemistry)通常都畀人包埋喺物理科學嘅一個分支,因為化學研究嘅係普遍嘅物質-唔一定要有生命嘅嘢先至可以係化學嘅研究對象。
[編輯]- 物理學(Physics):
- 兩大物理理論框架:古典物理學(Classical physics)同現代物理學(Modern physics)
- 力學(Mechanics)
- 電磁學(Electromagnetism)
- 聲學(Acoustics)
- 光學(Optics)
- 熱力學(Thermodynamics)
- 低温物理學(Cryogenics)
- 粒子物理學(Particle physics)
- 原子物理學(Atomic physics)
- 分子物理學(Molecular physics)
- 光物理學(Optical physics)
- 凝聚態物理學(Condensed matter physics)
- 核物理學(Nuclear physics)
- 應用物理學(Applied physics)
- 計算物理學(Computational physics)
- 化學物理學(Chemical physics)
- 農業物理學(Agrophysics)
- 土壤物理學(Soil physics)
- 天文物理學(Astrophysics)
- 心理物理學(Psychophysics)
- 現代物理學:
- 化學(Chemistry):
- 地球科學(Earth science)
[編輯]- ↑ Wilson, Edward O. (1998). Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge (第1版). New York, NY: Vintage Books. pp. 49–71. ISBN 0-679-45077-7.
- ↑ "... modern science is a discovery as well as an invention. It was a discovery that nature generally acts regularly enough to be described by laws and even by mathematics; and required invention to devise the techniques, abstractions, apparatus, and organization for exhibiting the regularities and securing their law-like descriptions." —p.vii, J. L. Heilbron, (2003, editor-in-chief). The Oxford Companion to the History of Modern Science. New York: Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-511229-6.
- ↑ Template:Cite dictionary