跳舞(粵拼:tiu3 mou5 | 英文:dance),做名詞嗰陣又叫舞蹈,係一類文化,定義上係要跳舞嘅人用自己嘅身體(尤其係四肢)作出一連串有節奏嘅郁動。喺絕大多數嘅現存舞種當中,跳舞用嘅節奏傳統上會係由音樂產生嘅[1]。
舞蹈可以按好多準則分類,例如唔同舞種嘅編舞、用到嘅舞步、歷史時期或者發源地等嘅特性都可以用嚟將舞蹈分類[6]。喺廿一世紀初嘅藝術界,其中一條最重要嘅分類準則係將舞種分做音樂廳舞蹈同參與舞蹈兩大類,前者指專業嘅舞蹈員喺個舞台上面跳俾觀眾睇嘅舞,通常係為咗達到用藝術娛樂觀眾嘅效果,例子有芭蕾舞同爵士舞等,而後者指俾一大班人喺聚會嗰陣一齊跳嘅舞,睇嘅人會有機會參與,例如華爾茲等嘅社交舞原意係為咗俾人喺聚會嗰時一齊享受嘅[註 1][7]。

- 舞龍
- 舞獅
- 拉丁舞(Latin dance)
- 肚皮舞(belly dance)
- 婆羅多舞(Bharatanatyam,淡米爾文:பரத நாட்டியம்)
- 蘇格蘭劍舞(Scottish sword dances)
- 積舞曲(Jig)
- 蘭德勒(德文:Ländler;德文讀音: [ˈlɛntlɐ])
- 瑪祖卡(Mazurka)
- 查達斯(Csárdás)
- 波蘭舞曲(polonaise)
- 佛蘭明歌(西班牙文:Flamenco)
- 草裙舞(Hula)
- 普卡(Polka;愛爾蘭文:Polca)
- 芭蕾舞(ballet)
- 巴洛克舞蹈(Baroque dance)
- 爵士舞(jazz dance)
- 舞踏(日文:
暗黒舞踏 (ankokubutō);英文:butoh) - 街舞
- 現代舞(modern dance)
[編輯]- (英文) Dance (PDF). The Music Center's Study Guide to the Performing Arts.
[編輯]- ↑ Sondra Horton Fraleigh (1987). Dance and the Lived Body: A Descriptive Aesthetics. University of Pittsburgh Pre. p. 49. "Dance is human movement created and expressed for an aesthetic purpose."
- ↑ Joann Kealinohomoku (1970). Copeland, Roger; Cohen, Marshall (eds.). An Anthropologist Looks at Ballet as a Form of Ethnic Dance (PDF). What is Dance? Readings in Theory and Criticism (1983 ed.). New York: Oxford University Press.
- ↑ Nathaniel Emerson, The Myth of Pele and Hi'iaka. This book includes the original Hawaiian of the Pele and Hi'iaka myth and as such provides an invaluable resource for language students and others.
- ↑ Schiffer, T., Kleinert, J., Sperlich, B., Schulte, S., & Strüder, H. K. (2009). Effects of aerobic dance and fitness programme on physiological and psychological performance in men and women. International Journal of Fitness, 5(2).
- ↑ Angioi, M., Metsios, G. S., Koutedakis, Y., & Wyon, M. A. (2009). Fitness in contemporary dance: a systematic review. Int J Sports Med.
- ↑ Foster, Susan Leigh. (2011). Choreographing empathy : kinesthesia in performance. Routledge.
- ↑ Canadian National Arts Centre – Dance Forms: An Introduction.
[編輯]- (英文) Historic illustrations of dancing from 3300 BC to 1911 AD from Project Gutenberg.
- (英文) United States National Museum of Dance and Hall of Fame.