經濟增長(英文:Economic growth)指一個經濟體嘅「經濟表現」隨時間上升。喺實際應用上,做統計嘅人會睇按通脹調整後嘅本地生產總值或者其他經濟指標嚟評估「經濟表現」,當中最常見嘅係睇實質本地生產總值嘅百分比增長率嚟衡量經濟增長[1][2]。
[編輯]- ↑ Roser, Max (2021). "What is economic growth? And why is it so important?". Our World in Data.
- ↑ Statistics on the Growth of the Global Gross Domestic Product (GDP) from 2003 to 2013 互聯網檔案館嘅歸檔,歸檔日期2013-05-03., IMF, October 2012. - "Gross domestic product, also called GDP, is the market value of goods and services produced by a country in a certain time period."
- ↑ What's the correlation between Calorie Consumption and GDP: How Nutrition Reflects Economic Well-being. Economy.kz
[編輯]- (英文) Greenlaw, S. A., Shapiro, D., & MacDonald, D. (2022). Principles of economics 3e. OpenStax.