![]() | 呢篇文 需要熟悉呢方面嘅人幫手寫。 |

協作智能(粵拼:hip3 zok3 zi3 nang4;英文:collaborative intelligence,CI)係人工智能(AI)同相關研究上成日有人提到嘅一個概念,指一班彼此知道對方身份嘅智能體-包括人同機械-各自[註 1]噉行事,嚟幫手解決一個佢哋大家都想解決嘅問題。
喺廿一世紀初嘅管理學上,有好多工作者都想應對 AI 愈嚟愈普及化嘅形勢,因而有興趣想思考「人應該點樣同 AI 合作,形成一個有協作智能嘅組織」等嘅問題[1][2]。
AI 喺好多地方都勁過人類好多,但就算到咗廿一世紀初,有好多嘢都仲係 AI 搞唔掂嘅,所以有呢方面嘅研究者提出可以追求人同 AI 合作做嘢,同時利用人嘅長處同 AI 嘅長處,例如[1]:
[編輯]响廿一世紀初,AI 最勁嘅地方係,能夠以人類冇可能追得上嘅速度睇大量嘅數據[註 2](睇埋資訊過多對):AI 能夠(例如)喺幾日以至幾個鐘嘅時間內睇勻嗮數以萬計嘅病人嘅數據,學識邊啲病徵同邊啲病症有關,所以可以攞嚟幫手診斷病人(用「手上病人嘅病徵」預測「佢有乜嘢病」),而且表現仲好過人類嘅醫生[3]-相比之下,人要做同樣嘅嘢就要用閒閒哋幾年嘅時間嚟學習。因為噉,喺多個領域當中都已經出現「管理者用 AI 取代人嚟幫手做預測」噉嘅情況[4]。
除此之外,AI 同相關嘅技術仲可以攞嚟幫手[註 3]:
- 自動噉搜集資訊-例子可以睇網頁刮料同文本情感分析等嘅技術畀市場學攞嚟剖析啲客嘅意見[5][6];
- 資訊抽取-自動噉由一段字度攞出有用嘅資訊,例如「攞住份長文件,抽出最重要嗰啲句子」噉,令決策者睇資訊嗰陣方便啲[7][8]。
- 自動總結-自動噉攞手上嘅資訊,再畀出一段「短過原先段嘢,但有齊嗮啲重點」嘅資訊,又係會令決策者睇資訊嗰陣方便啲[9];
因為 AI 咁有用,唔少管理工作者都開始想學相關嘅知識[4]。
- Pelau, C., Dabija, D. C., & Ene, I. (2021). What makes an AI device human-like? The role of interaction quality, empathy and perceived psychological anthropomorphic characteristics in the acceptance of artificial intelligence in the service industry. Computers in Human Behavior, 122, 106855,呢篇文提到,同理心能夠令人更加信任 AI。
[編輯]- ↑ 1.0 1.1 Wilson, H. J., & Daugherty, P. R. (2018). Collaborative intelligence: humans and AI are joining forces (PDF). Harvard Business Review, 96(4), 114-123.
- ↑ Epstein, S. L. (2015). Wanted: collaborative intelligence (PDF). Artificial Intelligence, 221, 36-45.
- ↑ Kononenko, I. (2001). Machine learning for medical diagnosis: history, state of the art and perspective. Artificial Intelligence in medicine, 23(1), 89-109.
- ↑ 4.0 4.1 How Artificial Intelligence Can Improve Organizational Decision Making. Forbes.
- ↑ Vong Anh Ho, Duong Huynh-Cong Nguyen, Danh Hoang Nguyen, Linh Thi-Van Pham, Duc-Vu Nguyen, Kiet Van Nguyen, Ngan Luu-Thuy Nguyen. "Emotion Recognition for Vietnamese Social Media Text". In Proceedings of the 2019 International Conference of the Pacific Association for Computational Linguistics (PACLING 2019), Hanoi, Vietnam (2019).
- ↑ Liu, B. (2012). Sentiment analysis and opinion mining. Synthesis lectures on human language technologies, 5(1), 1-167.
- ↑ FREITAG, DAYNE. "Machine Learning for Information Extraction in Informal Domains" (PDF). 2000 Kluwer Academic Publishers. Printed in the Netherlands.
- ↑ Mitkov, Ruslan (2003). The Oxford Handbook of Computational Linguistics. Oxford University Press. p.754.
- ↑ Torres-Moreno, Juan-Manuel (1 October 2014). Automatic Text Summarization. Wiley. pp. 320-